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Genealogy, history, old cemeteries 🪦 daily walks🚶🏻‍♂️photography 📷 houseplants 🪴 music is everything 🎧
I just realized I haven’t had popcorn in years 🍿
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I keep seeing surprised posts "Huh, I went to [insert event, conference, club, on an airplane, the Sphere] and got COVID!" Meanwhile CNN is running headlines saying "COVID-19's Back." Friends, it never, ever went away and I'm still masking in indoor spaces for your protection as well as my own.
A comfy outdoor chaise longue with umbrella that I can nap in outdoors
if you won a million dollars what would be the first ridiculous thing you'd buy? something silly and pretty and fun for yourself. it can be small. I'd buy a hot pink e-bike or vespa, and give it pink marabou streamers.
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Give me your 3 favourite guitarists today Don’t think, just answer Billy Duffy Mark Knopfler Mike Campbell
Give me your 3 favourite guitarists today Don’t think, just answer Prince Johnny Marr Joni Mitchell
Give me your 3 favourite guitarists today Don’t think, just answer Prince Johnny Marr Joni Mitchell
give me your 3 favorite guitarists today don't think, just answer Jimi Hendrix Prince Tom Morello
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#DisabilityPrideMonth #MutualAid For those who don't know, you can add gift cards to your Amazon Wishlists. It doesn't work on their app, you have to use a web browser. Search for the card you want, fill out the form, add it to cart. In cart, save it for later, then move it to wishlist.
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#DisabilityPrideMonth #MutualAid I've written & deleted this post about 5 times now. When you're introverted & have social anxiety; it can be difficult to reach out & ask for help. So here's my list, if you can help, great. If not, maybe a repost, to help boost it.
Check out my list on
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Ahead of this broadcast, for The Tyee, looked into why The Economist Intelligence Unit insists that Vancouver is a livable city. Read his full piece here!
Vancouver a ‘Most Livable’ City? Not for Most of Us | The Calgary also is high in the Economist’s global rankings. A look behind the numbers reveals why.
I did recently learn how to tie a tie tho
non-binary people don't owe you necktie
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#DailyWalk Downtown to Coal Harbour to Stanley Park seawall (15,536 steps; 10.37 km) #Vancouver
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they want and need everyone to believe that it is hopeless and that nothing matters and that nothing will ever get better, but, like, they’re wrong. they’re liars. they lie, depression lies, this whole thing is a fucking con to get you to think that submission is better than liberty.
these people cannot win and they know it, their entire schtick is pretending that the reich on the march will keep everyone quiet and scared, but, again, we do not have to believe them, and if we do not, they lose.
As my great-grandmother used to say of terrible people married to terrible people, “at least they’re under the same roof”.
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It’s almost like the pundit class wants the wrong things out of this campaign season
On TikTok someone said “The weather here is really gross” and I immediately thought they meant it was hot. But they went on to say “George caught a bit of a chill this morning”. I was momentarily confused because my idea of good or bad weather is completely opposite to most other people’s.
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the right time for Bluesky to enable video is never. just let us have the one thing that's never loud. just words and pictures. see how nice? words and pictures. think about it devs
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for the most part ma'am, sir, mister and missus/miss are all servile bullshit demanded as a way of enforcing social hierarchy in the guise of "respect". i don't have a title for those situations. opting out of it is a part of my identity
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Only nudists can truly finish the laundry.
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Woody Guthrie, BOTD in 1912
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happy #NonbinaryPeoplesDay if you call me an "enby" i will give you a non gender confirming surgery where you get a new hole
Tonight’s #movie - THE GUARD (2011) starring Brendan Gleeson and Don Cheadle; dir. John Michael McDonagh
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So when folks talk about the need to build communities and strengthen communities, they often don't have very good models or ideas or awareness of how to do this with Disabled people.
The park is Gen Alpha Central
Just got back from a hot date (soft serve ice cream cone from DQ and a stroll around the park)
Someone nearby is cooking or barbecuing after 1:00 am and there’s a delicious smell wafting in my window and now I’m hungry 😫