
It's hilarious that the Cybertruck's *heavy sigh* Gigawiper is a single point of failure, but what's less funny is that Tesla is once again fixing safety equipment without a recall, which is very much a violation of the federal Motor Vehicle Safety Act
Tesla pauses Cybertruck deliveries over wiper motor Tesla has temporarily paused Cybertruck deliveries over an issue with perhaps one of the most talked about features on the electric truck, the Gigawiper. On Friday Cybertruck reservations holders star...
I read a month or more ago that Tesla had realized they cheaped out on the wiper motor, it was too weak, it would inevitably burn out very quickly. This is NOT, as asserted in the article, a supplier quality issue - Tesla just ordered and installed motors far too wimpy for the oversized wiper.
I had assumed that if I had read a news article about it weeks ago then surely Tesla must have bene forced to reconsider, would at least have switched to installing an appropriate motor in the cars that hadn't left their showrooms yet. But I guess it seems not.
Oh, hey, here's the article I read. Exactly a month ago! Tesla bragged they'd be able to power their giant wiper conglomeration with an 800 watt motor. Might have worked, too, except they installed a 120 watt motor - apparently only twice as strong as your normal car's wiper motor.
Tesla Cybertruck's Gigawiper Is Again in the Spotlight As Wiper Motors Fail The Cybertruck owners report that the gigawiper motors are failing repeatedly, which might force Tesla to issue a recall rather soon
The really fun bit, is that these wipers had to have failed under testing or no testing was done. Law suit discovery is going to be painful.
They may have worked okay under test conditions: limited duration, no wind from the environment or from the car's motion, no vibration or bumps or grit. But its incredible that once they realized their fuckup they didn't implement a fix and issue a physical recall.
I work on vehicle components and there are standard certification tests that cover that stuff. ISO standard tests for all of that. So I’m wondering what they actually did in development.
Nothing you would recognize, if you work in legit vehicle development where standardized processes and testing play a prominent role!
I expect they didn’t do a legit recall because they’re covering up a “paperwork” problem. What’s the over/under that’s not just a wiper problem? Like I said, discovery will be LIT.
Given their usual habits they may have tried to fix it with an over-the-air software update. I can imagine it might be possible to prevent motor burnout by limiting speed or imposing timeouts or something ie by making the wipers not work to the required standard, but at least the motor doesn't fry.
Perhaps. OTOH, if the motor binds then releases, it can become a little generator and fry whatever it’s connected to if it wasn’t engineered for that. That’s a big motor, back current gonna have to go somewhere.
Not sure there will be a plaintiff among the Foundation buyers of the CT, who are, by definition, the most fanboi.
I know a guy who works in auto parts manufacture and apparently everybody in the industry fucking hates working with Tesla because they are incredibly unprofessional and wildly obsessed with measuring shit that doesn't matter at all, while they let this stuff fly by.