
Khive thread link: Doesn't have everything, some stuff is its own twitter drama, but does give a good flavor. Not in this thread is a lot of Anti-Palestinian/Anti Arab stuff, but I'm using some of that for some different writing.
I think you have to contrast her with Biden on that front and she’s better - more history of criticizing Netanyahu govt , acknowledging potential international law violations etc.
Not a defense but on that topic she is to the left of him—and also more than one of the big proposed alternatives
I think there’s no tenable way to replace Biden rn btw. I don’t trust leadership to roll out a new candidate who won’t be perceived as person chosen in a closed room by elites; they already ignore progressive concerns
I find it more plausible that Biden acts like he did in NC the day after the debate and it’s workable in September than we have a Dem leadership that isn’t as fragmented as it is, as older and risk averse as it is, who would roll out somebody who’d perform better
Because this is not just about Biden; it’s about whether the you trust Dem leadership to roll out a candidate, explain their story in terms that don’t pander to an imaginary middle, and listen to concerns reasonable Dem voters have
The one thing I had in my column that would have been easy to deliver is articulating a path for economic prosperity, not just survival
Couldn’t even do that! Argued about their golf scores. I think Biden is the best choice and not cuz I love him. his advisors need to get their shit together and stop trying to script him. Give him questions and let him answer how he would naturally bc when he does that he gets a little angry
And people want to see that. Passion! Which is also energy. In staid elite spaces people respect quiet calm and pretending to be at ease. He has too many advisers who grew up in those spaces
He needs the people that will tell him that one of his best moments was when he blurted out that the Obama admin was taking action on gay marriage and made all the Obama people who wanted a “safe” roll out mad
He cannot deal with minutely scripted talking points. And this is 10x more true because he’s old but he couldn’t do that years ago either
Also after the ACA passed when he said it was a BFD.
People want authenticity and trust. Let the Old Irishman wag his tongue.
“They were asking why Mr. Klain, the former White House chief of staff who ran the preparations, would in their view allow him to be overloaded with statistics…”
That right there is a bell ringer. Advisers who come from “nice families from nice places” whose expectation has always been to get plush beltway gigs. Those of us out here in the fields hate them.
I've been saying this since the debate. His performance wasn't great, but him being too scripted was a huge issue. You could see him grasping to hit talking points. When he was off script later in the debate and reacting, he was much stronger!
Yes! When he gets mad he’s kind of the best because you get a since of where he’s really pissed off about unfairness. And I don’t trust leadership to roll out a new person which might be a bigger issue
Exactly! That passion is authentic and people love it. A big "less is more" situation in my opinion. Also, his succinct, emotional responses stand out more in comparison to Trump's rants. And yes, I think there's a lot of reasonable mistrust of leadership and the strategy at this point.
This. If I thought there was one jot of dexterity in the Dem leadership I might entertain changing candidates. But there is no evidence of the tiniest iota of political ingenuity or talent at any national helm right now. I do not at all trust them to roll out a new candidate.
Your position is perfectly rational given all the myriad of circumstances. But I am obliged to comment when you brought up the matter of "trust" regarding the DNC. I; unfortunately, cannot in good conscience say that I have that. But a little more unity may be a good idea for them.