
Don’t worry folks, they got this
“They were asking why Mr. Klain, the former White House chief of staff who ran the preparations, would in their view allow him to be overloaded with statistics…”
Whoever decided to go the route with stats and other crap is an idiot. Biden is best when he's Uncle Joe or Dark Brandon not spewing percentages no one cares about.
Yeah, that, cutting the mics, and ditching the audience are things that would favor a Warren or even HRC. Someone more wonky. That's never been Biden.
Warren is so good at schooling overinflated egos. I wish we lived in the timeline where she had a real shot at president. (I was devastated by the depth of sexism that showed up when she tried.)
I was pondering your comment. I think Congress is much better for wonks. Committee meetings are much better for adversarial exchanges. I literally can’t remember the last time a President directly dressed someone down. A sniping remark here or a State of the Union address there but nothing so blunt.
Warren's version of dressing dudes down typically involves facts, policy, and explaining complicated topics in a way that a layperson can remember and understand. She's an incredible teacher and communicator. It's not about insults.
Also: She holds people to the fire on getting their facts right. She'd absolutely call Trump out for lying, and then explain her points in a memorable way. She's wonky, but in a way that leaves you convinced she cares AND also knows her stuff - it'd be passionate & compassionate, not cerebral.
It would have worked if they cut the mics when they weren't answering the goddamned question
Mossad made the stats and pale make up calls.
I give Klain a lot of credit for Biden's successes (he really lost some of his fight when Klain left) so if he is the scapegoat here...doesn't look good
Klain is why Biden let Covid rip. Personally I think he should be in prison.
Dunn and Bauer are bad at modern politics. They’re stuck in 2005
Klain is still very much afflicted by normalcy bias. This wasn't a normal debate where facts and policy were going to matter, but he was clearly prepped as though it was.
Klain's resume is quite astonishing. What does it take to fail and be discarded at the top of the Democratic Party? I thought Klain would have been gone after the Florida non-Recount.
Anyone who thought having this debate at all should be immediately fired for political malpractice. Biden was well within his rights to refuse to have a debate with a demonstrable liar and convicted felon. He could have used that as a part of his campaign.
IMO the idjits were stuffing his head full of facts and retorts and Joe got lost in the thump of the bright lights and thrown by having to pivot to respond to Trump’s insanity. They should have drilled 4 messages to drive home and general to anything else.