
“Politics would be interesting again,” is a hell of a thing to say generally and also, for these commentators, obviously untrue. Nothing about any replacement process will be as arousing to them as the prospect of forcing the renominated president out of the race with enough poison pen columns.
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
why do they think normies want interesting politics? that was, you know, one of the knocks against the Trump admin: that the news was chaotic and awful every day!
I don't think she, or the pundits in general, are saying normies want interesting politics. They're talking about the people they truly care about: Themselves.
Exactly. They really should get out of that comfy little bubble of theirs and give a fraction of their effort to searching their souls for some empathy - if that's still possible. jfc
Tim Miller is one of those 'never-Trump' republicans who woke up when that clown got elected. He admits now that he got caught up in the game of it all and, I think, feels a lot of shame and regret for his role in GOP becoming what it is. She hasn't learned yet.
The pundits want chaos--chaos leads to increased viewership and clicks.
In fairness, I think what people like is compelling politics and boring governance