
Fireworks, thunder, earthquakes, my cat could not give one single fuck. But don't you dare ever sneeze in front of him.
My youngest dog will come chill on my lap if there’s fireworks, but he’s mostly fine. If you laugh really hard around him? He loses his goddamn mind. My partner and I call him the fun police.
Our cat will stare down a Racoon and not blink. But just sneeze around him and he breaks the sound barrier escaping.
Well, I just misgendered our cat. Sorry, Gracie... Your predecessor was a male with issues, prob because his prev owner named him Winkie. 👀 Pronouns are important so I'll try to do better.
Gracie's a pretty lady❤️ And honestly, I doubt she cares what you call her, as long as the food and love keep coming.
Yes, she's adorable, pampered, follows us around like a puppy. She's also a runner, gets the "zippies" 2X a day, streaking thru our 2-story house at max speed, jumping over chairs like an Olympic runner over hurdles. 😄 Her tiny feet somehow sound like a galloping horse on wood floors!
How do they do that? Cats are perfectly capable of running quietly when they want, so obviously they choose to grow hooves for those occasions. I call it the "Pussy Express."😁
I mean, mine do it even on the carpet!
Our dog used to explode under the following conditions: a)Someone on TV rang a doorbell. b)A deer *existed* within 500 yards of our house.
Oh yeah, if someone on the TV knocks on a door there’s a 50/50 chance both dogs will lose their shit 😂