
Fireworks, thunder, earthquakes, my cat could not give one single fuck. But don't you dare ever sneeze in front of him.
Clearly he is more up to date on covid risk than most Americans
My cat knows what it sounds like when I inhale before sneezing. By the time the sneeze actually happens he’s halfway across the apartment.
my cat's reaction to the sound of the freezer door (ice cube tray horror! run and hide!) vs the fridge door opening (yay! food!! maybe tuna!!!)
I once had a cat who would come sprinting into the room from wherever she was to chirp at me when I sneezed.
If Kevin is sitting on my lap & I sneeze, he yells at me. Though, to be fair, I'm one of those rapid-fire multiple sneezers. But he also yells at me if I sigh or yawn or hiccup, so he's just very strict in general. Today I learned that he DOES NOT LIKE IT when I swish liquid in my mouth. Strict.
As I have said many times, having a Siamese cat is like living with someone who always wants to speak to the manager.
This is the most accurate description of our Siamese I've ever seen. 😂
Yes my cats get so mad at sneezing!! Immediate "connect me with your supervisor" meows. well too bad YOU'RE my supervisors as you keep reminding me
Oh, wow. I've been using the word "judgemental" to describe my dog's opinion about sneezing, lip goo, foot cream, peeing, eating! any sign of weakness or self-care, really. But it's "strict". She's really particular about what she believes I am allowed to do. And when. This really is helpful!
Oh, and I missed the Siamese part. I grew up with a Himalayan and she sort of loved some of us sometimes... She'd stare witheringly if you made any attempt to touch her before 9pm, but she brought us dead snakes, mice, bunnies, birds (it was last century!) every day.
Kevin is very snuggly. He spends a lot of the day on my lap, which is why I get scolded so often for disturbing him by, you know, existing. He doesn't get UP from the lap, mind you. He just yells at me a little.
That was my dog, too. She passed 3 weeks ago and I still feel guilty every time I sneeze.
Oh no I'm so sorry ❤️❤️
I am very sorry for your loss. My wife had a corgi/lab mix that would get up and leave the room every time you sneezed, but not before you understood, yes, you, were the reason. Jake is gone now, but we were very lucky to have him in our pack and better for having known the little grump.
That's exactly what Taffy would do!
Our cat does not seem to notice the fireworks either
However he is ridiculous though.
For Miggy it's feet. It's hot today and he just STARED at my bare toes in HORROR.
Why are cats so weird LOL
What the hell, Miggy?! 😂
awwww. poor li’l guy. poor….weird li’l guy.
My dog sleeps through fireworks, startles at me crossing my legs in her midst.
Back when our dog could hear, this was him, adding not giving a shit about gunfire, We’d use our dog as our excuse for going away on July 4th, but it’s us who can’t stand it. He didn’t care and never understood why the dogs were barking. But don’t you dare move your fucking trash bin or fart.
Ahaha, our Onyx is the same. Talking a walk with him last night, he was completely unphased by the sound of fireworks. But the sound of people and animals in the other apartment? Fast-crawl with his head constantly over his shoulder.
My cats would run and hide when I sneezed. But I sneeze half a dozen times a day. They got tired of running real fast.
Just got my 2 calm during fireworks (the male does freak every time I sneeze). However just started fostering/socializing a feral today, so I'm cursing the fireworks again.
The first time I ever sneezed, it was like a cartoon watching these two jump up and run. I felt so guilty, but it was also hilarious. Three years later, they still bolt for cover while I begin to inhale.
Maybe he's allergic to nuts and thinks you're saying "cashew" (yes I know they're not nuts but maybe the cat doesn't)
My dog is also very concerned if I sneeze or trip. Coughing not so much.
Mine is just like that, too! Sometimes she runs out of the room, sometimes she just eyes me with disdain. Sometimes she starts leaving while the sneeze is still winding up.
i, uh, say sorry before i sneeze as not to startle the cats (both!) too badly (they know by now) also i get the 'how very dare you' stare when i scratch my ear from my resident ear scratcher
...yeah Gar is not scared of much, but my sneezes alarm him greatly.
My youngest dog will come chill on my lap if there’s fireworks, but he’s mostly fine. If you laugh really hard around him? He loses his goddamn mind. My partner and I call him the fun police.
Our cat will stare down a Racoon and not blink. But just sneeze around him and he breaks the sound barrier escaping.
Well, I just misgendered our cat. Sorry, Gracie... Your predecessor was a male with issues, prob because his prev owner named him Winkie. 👀 Pronouns are important so I'll try to do better.
Gracie's a pretty lady❤️ And honestly, I doubt she cares what you call her, as long as the food and love keep coming.
Yes, she's adorable, pampered, follows us around like a puppy. She's also a runner, gets the "zippies" 2X a day, streaking thru our 2-story house at max speed, jumping over chairs like an Olympic runner over hurdles. 😄 Her tiny feet somehow sound like a galloping horse on wood floors!
Our dog used to explode under the following conditions: a)Someone on TV rang a doorbell. b)A deer *existed* within 500 yards of our house.
Oh yeah, if someone on the TV knocks on a door there’s a 50/50 chance both dogs will lose their shit 😂
which is weird because when cats sneeze it's a whole production
We had a dog who I one time went camping with - just the two of us. And the fiercest thunderstorm I have ever experienced in the mountains went on for over an hour. She was completely unbothered. And her presence made me calmer.