Evan Kirshenbaum

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Evan Kirshenbaum


Software researcher, inventor, erstwhile linguist, book lover, bad bassist, former youth soccer ref and baseball coach, Stanford grad, proud dad, and devoted husband.

@evanKirshenbaum at Twitter
How else were you going to set your watch accurately?
That was directory assistance, not time. Typically prefixed by an area code.
"Popcorn" (767-2676) got the time in Chicago, but it didn't get the temperature.
Nice at first. Then it feels like you're being exfoliated. Then it's "Okay, enough!" Our velcro-tongued kitty grooms her brother into submission when he's in a spot she wants.
It's posts like this that make me regret that BlueSky hides blocked posts, so I have no idea who it was or what they did to deserve such a marvelous rejoinder.
"The 22nd amendment says 'elected', which clearly refers to the popular vote, so terms where he lost that but won the electoral college don't count." Or something like that.
I'm pretty sure that even with peanuts there are levels of sensitivity, from hives (or less) to anaphylactic shock, and they may not have put two and two together until later, when people started talking about it more and realized that (if it was getting worse), it could be life-threatening for her.
My son had a friend who had contact allergies to nuts and dairy. They caught it early (and he's much less sensitive now), but I doubt many kids like him survived their first few years before the '80s or '90s at the earliest. (The kid was born in '98.)
They're sort of right about not having kids with (life-threatening) food allergies. They tended to die before reaching school age. (Although 30 years probably doesn't do it. My son's preschool class was nut- and dairy-free 25 years ago, and if heard of it earlier. 40 or 50 years, I'd give them.)
Baseball umpire signals are also believed to be due to deaf players, though which nineteenth century player is responsible is disputed. (Some of the signals, especially "safe" and "out" are transparently taken from ASL.)
The Deaf and the Origin of Hand Signals in Baseball – Society for American Baseball Researchsabr.org
Feel free to DM if there's anything else you might want to know. (Or not, of course.)
Ugh. You're describing me starting the Friday before Memorial Day (of course), but I could only sit for about 30sec, too, before unbearable pain. 5-day course of steroids and daily gabapentin are working well for me. OTC Lidocaine patches on the lower back are a miracle. PT is probably helping, too.
Apologies and feel free to disregard if this isn't the kind of help you were looking for.
Apparently Shinola was originally "Shinol'a" (ca. 1880, before it was the name of the company). It wouldn't surprise me if it was originally thought of by the manufacturer as "shine-all-a", but was mispronounced by the public, and the apostrophe was dropped from the packaging to match that.
My native Chicago dialect uses singular "they" to the point where I had trouble understanding what people were objecting to when it became an issue later, and I think I've always used "themself".
I loved the anagram reveal. "Yes, viewer, you caught that. You're so so smart. It's not going to be that simple."
I think that, to me, if it would seem wrong to refer to Cousin Bob as simply "Bob", the "Cousin" should be capitalized. It's more of an honorific than an appositive.
But donate *more* because it's deductible.
Introspecting, I think I'm mostly the former except in careful speech, with possibly a bit of labialization on the vowel. I grew up in Chicago in the ’70s.
It's not called B-Ark, by any chance, is it?
Thank you so much. That was one of my top wants. Checking somebody out to see if they're worth following us easier when their first hundred followers aren't all people you've never heard of. To extend this, could you also add followers you've blocked?
Sure, but nobody acts like you're unable to just because of your age.
That many younger people ignore the fact that much of the technology that they believe we're incapable of dealing with was actually invented by us Boomers (and earlier generations).
Jane's Strong Desire George Thorogood & The Damagers Reasonably Strong Bosstones Maybe
The Tap-les Bob Seger and the Orange Nerf Ball Band
"Where's the toilet?" "… In the restroom?"
Was the author (or character) Jewish? I tend to say it that way, and I believe it's a Yiddish calque. I can definitely see wanting a narrator or character to sound like that and resisting changing it.