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Father, Tradesperson, Housing, Income Movement, Tacoma

How can you make a revolution without firing squads?’ Lenin asked. ‘If we can’t shoot a *popular socialist congress woman, what sort of great revolution is it? Nothing but talk and a bowl of mush.
Mark Twain hated the Fourth of July. He was often invited to speak at Independence Day festivities. His audiences assumed that his reliably unpatriotic remarks were tongue-in-cheek jests. But he meant that shit. 1/9
‘The empires of our time were short-lived, but they have altered the world forever; their passing away is their least significant feature.’ VS Naipaul, The Mimic Men
"the other guy is a proto fascist, a pathological liar and incompetent conman." Is not a good reason to run a candidate who can't argue those facts coherently.
would people PLEASE FUCKING STOP DOING the thing where you see people taking a small measure of comfort in the tactical use of power to try to block the worst outcomes and rush to immediately chastise them for not covering Ideal Solution That Will Take Decades To Achieve Political Will To Implement
i understand this was infinite political controversies ago and nobody’s talked about this in years. but they should still mint the platinum coin
If Trump wins in November is he going to give his victory speech at Four Seasons Landscaping?
Re US Military: “A serious challenge in planning against American doctrine is that Americans do not read their manuals, nor do they feel an obligation to follow their doctrine.”
The message that McNamara attempted to share most forcefully was the immensity of danger posed by nuclear weapons. The message, buried by the former secretary of defence confessing to war crimes, is the most salient fact in the post WWII world order.
There is a bit in the documentary "The Fog of War" where Robert McNamara recalls General LeMay saying "If we'd lost the war, we'd all have been prosecuted as war criminals" for their firebombing of Japanese cities The lesson: Proportionality should be a guideline in war.
"The thin blue line," is a phrase derived form, "The red line," which actually a misquotation of correspondent, William H. Russell, who wrote, he could see nothing between the charging Russians and the British base of opperations at Balaklava but a "thin red streak tipped with a line of steel"
I'll never forget when I was a young apprentice working with the old dude in a musty basement late one evening. He's got the sewer machine out about 50' grinding away at a root ball. I'm watching him and I ask him, "why do think we spell plumber with with a b?"
[okay, so the setup for this joke is that i’m a plumber. i’m not actually a plumber in real life and i never have been – this is only an imaginary scenario i'm inventing for the sake of the joke. so here i’ll be assuming the role of a plumber. let's begin] ME, A PLUMBER: Would you please hand me th
Socialist candidates are viable in the US. 63% of DSA endorsed candidates won election in 2023. That figure understates the progressive shift ongoing in the US. As always socialists are in the vanguard of that progress. We don't need a purge, we need to take the W jacobin.com/2023/11/soci...
No damn it. I'm saying that DSA needs to purge its leadership of elements who are completely willing to throw electability out the window over bullshit, and begin fighting winnable battles pragmatically. Discipline and moving towards a concrete set of goals able to be accomplished electorally.
A Surprisingly Good Night for Democrats Was a Much Better One for Socialistsjacobin.com The potential for progressive change is very much alive in American states and cities. Socialists had a strong showing at the state and local levels across the country last week, winning four of six b...
My hypothesis is that intelligent and thoughtful individuals primarily reject hard determinism because of an inherent inclination towards punishment, both of others and themselves.
Cottage core breakfast. Home made bread cum French toast with home grown strawberries
Every article about Red Lobster filing for bankruptcy is "ha ha endless shrimp, what did they think would happen" and then buried ten paragraphs down is the usual:
Race is a technology, a visually recognisable feature that demarcates a person as a member of a group that has historically suffered catastrophe,
‘The empires of our time were short-lived, but they have altered the world forever; their passing away is their least significant feature.’ VS Naipaul, The Mimic Men
There are fuzzy bumblebees climbing all over the blueberry blossoms and it makes me very happy.
Sometimes Metro Parks is too humble. This crosswalk is broad, well marked, including those yellow truncated dome mats. The crosswalk at Swan Creek dog park is anything but pedestrian.
I've been reading a lot of history and I really want to visit Istanbul. I got the bug BAD.
Really tired of living in a society and on a world where fear and hatred are confused for "reasonableness" and the violent authoritarianism they breed is confused for "strength." Give me open, good faith striving, and loving compassion, worldwide, for fucking once.
Americans love their yards so much they have to be required by law or they would disappear from our cities.
"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part! You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels ... "
"There is the house whose people sit in darkness; dust is their food and clay is their meat. They are clothed like birds with wings for covering, they see no light, they sit in darkness. I entered the house of dust and I saw the kings of the earth, their crowns put away for ever..." Gilgamesh
The FBI used an undercover cop with pink hair to spy on activists and manufacture crimes. “It is a clear abuse of authority for the FBI to use undercover agents ... to spy on and entrap people engaged in peaceful First Amendment-protected activities."
The FBI Used an Undercover Cop With Pink Hair to Spy on Activists and Manufacture Crimestheintercept.com In the summer of 2020, federal law enforcement launched a broad, and until now, secret strategy to infiltrate racial justice groups and entrap activists.
Between nature and nurture there is no space to shoehorn free will.