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History guy. Game enjoyer. Guaranteed beacon of friendship and love*.

*friendship and love not a guarantee
I'm not giving up my governor to be VP. No goddamn way.
I will gladly choose a suboptimal strategy in a deck-building game if I end up stumbling on a system that I find more interesting or fun to play, as long as it's still competitive. This means that a lot of times people will tell me that I *need* a specific card, and I'll reject it as boring.
A guy of a type that stopped existing the moment the three batter rule came into effect.
Jeremy Affeldt Pitcher Debut: 2002 - Retired 2015 KCR - COL - CIN - SFG
Jeremy Affeldt at baseball-reference.combaseball-reference.com Career stats of Jeremy Affeldt
Would capital really do that? Use their access to power to assist fascism in order to prevent limitations on their own power?
Zoe Lofgren is completely owned by Silicon Valley money and this makes me believe even more that it's a Crypto Coup. We cannot allow this primary of the elite to happen.
Getting to see firsthand why so many Democrats hate the party, and honestly I'm impressed. As a relatively new member of the left, I was unfamiliar with your utter lack of game.
Reposted byAvatar Fuss
A silicon valley VC doesn't like the administration that is openly utilizing the FTC and also likely going to take a hard look at AI energy costs? I am Shocked. SHOCKED
Michael Moritz, the billionaire Silicon Valley venture capitalist and a top Democratic donor, is calling for President Biden to step aside, becoming one of the party’s largest contributors to go public with his concerns about the president’s candidacy.
Michael Moritz, Democratic Megadonor, Urges Biden Exit: ‘Clock Has Run Out’www.nytimes.com Mr. Moritz became one of the party’s top contributors to go public with his fears about the president’s candidacy, saying that Mr. Biden had a choice: “vanity or virtue.”
Played the third scenario of Hemlock Vale yesterday. Was able to maintain my status as the group's best flex (both monster handling and clue finding). Was also vindicated in my decision not to just sell out for Power Word. Alessandra Zorzi is a *very* strong investigator, and I'm enjoying it.
Friendship with Bianca ended. Now Chuck is my new best friend.
Friendship with Bianca ended. Now Chuck is my new best friend.
Today was a great day for making friends.
"No prostitutes or actors may attend."
When you've lost Clooney, you've lost America (c. 2000)
Reposted byAvatar Fuss
Hello, it's me, famed NYT columnist Rich McMoron III. I have a 0 for 30 record when it comes to boosting candidates who win primaries. Here's why we should unite the party by dumping Biden and skipping Harris in favor of Mark Cuban
Man, a lot of people on here just go full MacArthur having a mental breakdown in his hotel room over anything, huh?
Watching 20-something left-of-center to leftists tear each other apart for the last couple of days is frustrating, yes. It's also very, very funny.
Ah... Africa. Beautiful, sunny, profitable Africa. It's 235 AD, the Roman Empire is uhh... a litle shaky, and Decimus Fusstius has just been given the governorship of Africa in order to get him to stop riling up the plebs of Rome. A province to squeeze in peace, probably.
It takes a very special kind of insane to think that Manchin can win now, seeing as he barely eked out a win in 2018 when things were a bit less divided. But he's gonna try, which means desperate moves are required.
Donald Trump was able to do whatever he wanted, until he faced his ultimate challenge: literally anyone in a position of authority attempting to punish him for doing something illegal.
Everyone knew that Trump was a criminal, but it's nice to see the system actually notice that from time to time. Just an unalloyed good.
Reposted byAvatar Fuss
it kind of sickens me that all of you are so happy that trump might go to prison. even if you dont agree with him, he is a man with a family. and if you cant understand that, theres a drive into deep left field by castellanos, it will be a home run. and so that will make it a 4–0 ballgame
Decided to take the dive into Necromunda, with the horrible, horrible space cops.
The media has more awful hacks than a full Mark Reynolds season.
Me: "Well, House Van Saar is pretty awesome at shooting, and it has great equipment, so I know it'll be competitive." Also me:
Girlfriend just won the Blood Bowl championship. Fuck. I've created a monster.
Aw yeah, it's all coming together.
Most countries are above international law, including Palestine. Typically when someone is hauled before the ICC, they're given up by their political enemies after being removed from power. Taylor, Pinochet, Milosevic, etc. But the US, China, Russia, Germany... These countries have nothing to fear
But you are above it. You specifically make it so that if anyone tried to prosecute your imperialist nightmare of a country you'd just invade. American exceptionalism is rotting your brain.
Socialist candidates *are* viable! But a lot of them are under a lot of fire for actively screwing the party over and talking shit about important elected that are *supposed* to be their allies during an election year. Red Star DSA wants to send AOC this suicide note to sign for an endorsement.
Socialist candidates are viable in the US. 63% of DSA endorsed candidates won election in 2023. That figure understates the progressive shift ongoing in the US. As always socialists are in the vanguard of that progress. We don't need a purge, we need to take the W jacobin.com/2023/11/soci...
A Surprisingly Good Night for Democrats Was a Much Better One for Socialistsjacobin.com The potential for progressive change is very much alive in American states and cities. Socialists had a strong showing at the state and local levels across the country last week, winning four of six b...
No damn it. I'm saying that DSA needs to purge its leadership of elements who are completely willing to throw electability out the window over bullshit, and begin fighting winnable battles pragmatically. Discipline and moving towards a concrete set of goals able to be accomplished electorally.
I'm still don't understand why you're comparing DSA and SCLC to each other. Are you suggesting that the DSA should adopt principals of non-violence? Should they seek to shift their base to southern black churches? Or are you just suggesting they should not lose so God damn always?
Follow-up questions for those who have played Necromunda and possibly Mordheim: 1) Which game is better? 2) What are your thoughts on the new Necromunda? 3) What gang is your favorite? 4) What gangs do you think would be my favorite? It's been quite some time since I played.
Group might be looking into Necromunda. Thinking about playing the Cops.
Group might be looking into Necromunda. Thinking about playing the Cops.