
Not only are they not joking, they have quietly taken control of every single political system they can get their hands on. if a person can be elected, they're running for it and winning races no one takes seriously or looks at very hard. like school boards.
One of the most important things you can do as an ally and as fighter of fascism is stop laughing at evangelical Christians and realize they mean every single word they say. They’re not funny, they’re absolutely terrifying. Take them extremely seriously and act accordingly.
Exactly. I read Project 2025 and was shocked to see how much of it was already being implemented on School Boards and City Halls across the country. We are behind the 8-ball on this and they now have immense power at the local and state levels.
Policy | Project This book is the product of more than 400 scholars and policy experts from across the conservative movement and around the country. Contributors include former elected officials, world-renowned econom...