
Here it comes. The next part of the ongoing and accelerating coup. if the democrats try to replace Biden the republicans will not allow that person to appear on the ballots. We are in a coup this is not politics.
Hey this may sway the calculation for replacing Biden.
ya i saw that. my understanding is that the ballot is pretty safe as long as the dems do it soon
Safe doesn’t exist anymore. We are in a coup
Literally anyone they replace Biden with is going to be destroyed by the media, and they have 3 months to engineer an October surprise specific to that replacement and hand the narratives to the media. The idea that this all goes away if Biden stops running is false hope
Just steps down is false hope, a desire for the anxiety to go away
I mean yes but Biden is absolutely got to loose whereas someone younger has a chance- and can better fight back against whatever media attacks they are hit with. I don’t love Harris but I’ll absolutely take her over Biden at this point.
Good news, Harris is the vice president, meaning if anything happens to biden, she's the president. You are already voting for Harris on the Biden Harris ticket!