
crickets on the whole “convicted rapist felon insurrectionist” thing, once again
Isn't it also odd that no one is talking about the fact that his own wife did not show up. Imagine if Jill Biden or Michelle Obama had just not shown up.e
The only people capable of good behavior of any sort are libs anymore so I guess everyone just expects them to work miracles? Somehow? And sacrifice everything while taking all the blame? And be perfect? And never have bad days? And always compromise and be kind while the right is cheating & lying?
The only expectations of the Right is that they will get worse every day, and welp, that's just what they do, now please, Dems, go fix it somehow while we also hate on YOU for not having fixed it yet while expecting nothing out of the Right except fascism, hatred, and cheating.
But what if we all just disappeared one day? What then? Would they be happier people?
Nope, they like to have victims and enemies.
I have to admit, it wasn't until the past few years that I came to believe that news organizations actively, intentionally work to make elections as close as possible. It's just normally more subtle because most races used to have two nominally qualified candidates.
And to imagine that this might also be some form of payback. Since it was being reported a few months ago NYT leadership was feeling disgruntled that Biden has granted no interviews, press conferences etc. IOW, peevishness.
i simply believe convicted criminals who have not served out their sentence should not be allowed on a ballot
I was hoping for the question "As a gun owner who's pro-Law And Order, do you believe that criminals should be allowed guns?"
But it would be gauche and unsavvy to dwell on that sort of thing.
I remain convinced they would be publishing the same crap no matter how the debate went, they would have been a little less direct is all.
Old enough to remember the media freakout that Hillary Clinton *might* get indicted
These days, what Republican isn't?
When I say "shark electric boat dilemma" guy has 34 convictions and counting, has acquired hundreds of millions of dollars of civil case losses, and thinks they're locking up the soap in Philadelphia CVSs that is IN ADDITION to what you said, good [checks pronouns] citizen.
who is also old and is arguably way less coherent!
Once you realize who they wish was their real dad things get easier
It’s obviously the Gloria Steinem quote from 2017, but I also think about something said on #VibeCheckPod about how a cross section of the commentariat responds to him.