
gee, that “don’t hysterically fear-monger at me about the Supreme Court” world-view from 2016 sure aged well, didn’t it
Also, and this is just personal, I’m never forgiving anyone who equivocated about our choices in 2016. Not a single one. I will hate you in life and haunt you in death.
“You just wanna go back to brunch” *beat* “Why do you say we have to keep voting as if our lives depend on it?”
That was me in 2016 I confess. I had friends freaking out over Trump winning and I was convinced checks and balances would keep him checked at the balance maintained. Ha! Ha! What a fellow I was! They were very right and I horrifically wrong.
Well it is good and heartening to see you figured it out
At first I thought it was going to be GW II; Pence and the cabinet would President like Cheney and Trump would be in constant campaign mode; well out of the power loop. It genuinely took three years for me to wake up.
Well, at least we learned from that experience and no one is making the exact same stupid mistake again. Right? RIGHT?????
To be fair if we were actually concerned we should have bent the knee to the minority of the party. 🙄
Hell, that was also 2020 with the scoffing around the suggestion to expand the court.
The people who said mentioning the Court as a reason to vote for Clinton in 2016 have now moved on to claiming she would have never gotten any of her nominees through so they can still feel good about their protest votes
Like milk on a summer day.
In my defense I was a 17 year old in Indiana. I’m still voting despite it probably being meaningless because when the history books talk about our fall, I want the world to know that the majority of us weren’t behind it…the electoral college was.
They got the nominee they wanted! Unfortunately she didn’t sell that well to the public.