
In other words: there are a LOT of people in our exceptionally diverse US military who can absolutely be reasoned with and who don’t like Trump any more than we do. Much, much more so than is the case with US cops.
Lot of people on here seem to assume that the US military is basically as bad as US police when it comes to “being totally dominated by frothing MAGA freaks.” This is absolutely NOT the case.
There are certainly a lot of people who lean conservative in the military, and there definitely are some MAGA folk, but I've found that people consistently underestimate how many POC, immigrants, and LGBT people work in the military. A lot of people with disabled family members as well.
Every time I went up in rank in the military it seemed like the percentage of people who had a family member with a severe disability was higher. They were staying in longer because the health insurance was more affordable.
I think it was a This American Life episode yeaaarrrs ago about a cop who was a former Marine and how he was using his military training to de-escalate a situation with a guy waving a gun around when his civilian colleague rolled up and just shot the guy. the Marine was the one who got in trouble
I remember this. The justification was that not shooting the guy with the gun immediately could have put another cop's life in danger.
funny how these people who like to shout that they put their life on the line every day for us ungrateful public don't actually want to put their lives on the line for anything or anyone
A lot of this is because soldiers are real professionals who fully understand their role as armed civil servants, an understanding that most police officers don't get close to. And professionals are a lot more frightening in a fight.
It has a lot to do with incentives. Soldiers have the Geneva Conventions, Courts Martial, etc. Cops have... qualified immunity. Soldiers will be taking fire and debating RoE with their command, while cops will see a water pistol and empty 3 mags into an 8-year-old.
I think so many people don't grasp how large the US DoD is beyond its budget. It's the second largest employer in the world. You can't online scold enough randos to kill that. It'd have to come from those with the actual power to control the size of the military.
I recall the reported reaction when the fascist pardoned the war criminal.
Here's an idea Draft all the cops
I'm from a military family and I wouldn't trust anyone in uniform as far as I can throw them. It's like saying there are Christians you can work with. That might be true, but I'm never going to trust them enough to find out.