
exactly. THE SHIP HAS SAILED. Batten down the damn hatches.
I don't even disagree in principle with them that Biden is not the ideal candidate, it's just abject cowardice to take that position NOW, as opposed to 15 months ago.
This. It’s the moment when I decide it’s too late or dangerous to evacuate and I just have to ride a hurricane out. That’s where I’m at with this election. Full of anxiety and it fucking sucks but it’s way too late, and I just hope the roof, I mean some sense of democracy, stays on.
*This is why I don't live in Florida!* (Plus all the other reasons I don't live in Florida.)
Can't help but notice but the group who want to ditch Biden are the group who don't think there are any real rules. That there are always exceptions to be made if you know the right people or say the right words or have the right background.
Yup. Big "I want to speak to your manager" energy.
Biden: "I AM the manager" Them: "What's the number for corporate?"
At this point, voting for Biden is essentially the same thing as voting for Harris. Anyone who thinks they can organize and fund a presidential campaign for any other candidate in four months is delusional. Suck it up and get on with it.