Corso Riggs

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Corso Riggs

Spiderman is an Assadist propaganda tool
Are there any old people here? I saw some BASIC on a tv show from 1984. I used QBASIC as a kid so can tell the below code is just drawing things on the screen (I'm pretty sure). The loop is probably just to slow the program down so people can look on the screen. I have never seen SYMBOL before tho.
I think if there are any takeaways from the UK Labour landslide victory is that everyone loves a centrist candidate. If anything, this is proof that the Democrats are running the correct election strategy. (Is anyone else doing this incredibly stupid take yet? If not it's mine.)
Thinking about becoming a plant guy. Anybody got any plants? What's good for inside and not going to kill my cat?
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Reposted byAvatar Corso Riggs
behold my proprietary boot camp materials
You know why the video games are struggling? THIS is what the SJWs have changed MeeMee to like in the latest Super Monkey Ball. Gone are her elegant female features and now she just looks like every other monkey. Are you happy now leftists?
Is Macklemore our George Harrison?
I am ashamed my fellow countrymen cannot spot that the guy whose handle is Fartmuncher69 may be taking the piss.
Seppos are amazing:
if you see this, i invite you to post a picture from whatever device you were using without explanation
Avatar there's been a whole day's discourse about the use of "rest in power" and you haven't gotten yourself cancelled once. I'm proud of you.
I hope Archer Blood is standing right next to Saint Peter as he tells Kissinger to go suck a fat one in hell.
What's the deal with thedailybeast? Like in general. Are they okay? Are they shitbirds? How serious/accurate are they?
What did you do?!
Yeah I know. Some of the Macquarie’s nominations are also causing consternation. I’m voting for “cozzie livs” because I know that if it wins it’ll cause people’s heads to explode.
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Can’t believe they put me in their ad without my permission…
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Every time I get in a Tesla I can't help but feel like it was designed by someone whose bedroom looks like this
"The closest you'll ever come to living dinosaurs" This exhibition is absolute bullshit. I went inside and it's a bunch of chickens.
I'm (not) the pervy phantom.
End of feed.