The Fat Man

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The Fat Man

Capitalism sucks. Market socialism rules.

Known to post about football, beer, flags, boardgames, rugby, dad shit, politics, lacrosse, and maps.

I make lots of typos and won't apologize for it.
Avatar got another funny "error" for you in NCAA 25. Playing at VT there was a cadet in the stands with a full beard. Which isn't allowed. Makes me wonder if they have bearded BYU fans too.
Twice now I've though someone named Eric was actually named Kevin. For weeks/months. Like somewhere in my brain there's a replace function. First time was a dog, but second time was our new next door neighbor. So a bit higher stakes.
Apparently the key to a very successful 4th of July party is my 25' over built slip n slide and the hill at my in laws. Every child under 11 years old spent the entire party on the thing. And only one bloody nose! If my yard had a hill like that it's all kiddo would do this summer.
Really glad I didn't wade into SCOTUS chat in the group text last night. Given that this was the level of discourse being offered up.
I have an engineering degree, and was an engineer for a few years and this is 100% true.
One thing Warhammer 40K teaches you is that engineering isn't real. It's all vibes. Want to go faster? Paint it red. Equipment being a little unreliable? Try singing to it in a soothing voice. Need more bang for your buck? Throw some spikes and skulls on that bad boi and go to town.
Reposted byAvatar The Fat Man
OK the Boks look to have taken control in the second half. My refusal to pay for Flo Rugby continues to look justified.
I might have spoken too soon...... Don't do this to me #RSAvWales
I might have spoken too soon...... Don't do this to me #RSAvWales
I, the American rugby fan who refuses to pay for Flo Rugby, am once again glad that a game I wanted to watch looks mostly uncompetative from the scoreline.
I, the American rugby fan who refuses to pay for Flo Rugby, am once again glad that a game I wanted to watch looks mostly uncompetative from the scoreline.
So turns out that trying to cut back on caffeine a few weeks before we had a kiddo was not the most thought through plan on my part. Who could've seen that coming?
Happy father's day to all who celebrate! The pit beef our pool is selling to celebrate is solid if undersized/overpriced, which is quite possibly the most dad reaction to it!
It's really weird (it's not really weird) how states that ban abortions are also states where women can't get leave to take care of their children.
Reposted byAvatar The Fat Man
Why is it always “would you call a marginalized person a slur to save the world” and never “would you murder every racist white person to save the rest of the planet.”
You know how many leftist I know who were raised in conservative families? Like they're doing us a favor lolol.
Bold talk from the least fuckable person on the planet
Wait. The US beat Pakistan in cricket? Is this as huge an upset as I think? Does Pakistan not care about T20, and thus not send their best or something? What is going on.
Reposted byAvatar The Fat Man
Life is a weird ride. At the venue for kiddo's ballet recital, and the last time I was here I blacked out at some show. Don't even remeber who was playing. It's a shame the bar isn't open though. I'd overpay for a beer right now.
Within like 3 min of waking up kiddo asks me what brown in Spanish is. When I say marron she proceeds to say "no daddy that's wrong" and unleashes a song about words for colors in Spanish I had no idea she knew. Anyway apparent brown is café. Which I thought meant coffee?
The fact that hair and grass need to be regularly trimmed is bullshit.
Hot take today. The croissants from Costco are better than the ones from this local bakery/coffee shop. It's particularly surprising cuz I like their other backed goods. But yeah not ordering one of these again.
Kiddo's school had a lockdown today cuz some idiot called in a threat. Was much ado about nothing in the end, but still shit sucks. What really got me was when I picked her up her her teacher was passing out Popsicles. Becuase all the kids "won the quiet game". She's fucking 3.
In Bubble Guppies the class are the only merpeople shown. I get the vibe they're from an underprivileged group and are in a program to expose them to broader and richer society. What's the in universe social heirarchy? Do others try to figure out the universe of every show?
OK this rainy delay in Philly is really fucking with my plan to watch the natty during kiddo's nap. I mean fuck we should be nearly done with the third quarter by now, and the game hasn't even started yet.
OK what the fuck is up with all these Pitt people in Baltimore? Next door neighbors at old and new house were Pitt guys, and I see at least 1 ir 2 Pitt shirts a month. Like I honestly isn't think it was a big enough school for all this.
Pools fucking rule. It's so pleasant and easy to parent here. Really sucks that the county only does private pools so I gotta pay so much for this, but it's still real nice tbh.
In what possible world do these quotes make sense? I'm just confused now.
Shocking that a museum with lots of corporate sponsors glosses over why there was a big railroad stoke and instead focus on the troops who helped put it down, and the risk/damage to company property/operations. Kinda embarrassing tbh.
If you see this … quote post with a famous landmark that you’ve seen
If you see this … quote post with a famous landmark that you’ve seen
Kiddo is watching some PBS show and the bad guy come on screen and everyone goes "oh no it's More Man". As an ex-Mormon I approve of this name for a bad guy.