
Looks like something useful is happening on the Nazi site - this court document about Donald Trump’s involvement in the Epstein case is going viral This is a disgusting read
This came out some time ago, before the 2016 election. It's not from the new Epstein info though everyone on X right now is saying it is for some reason.
Yeah, I remember it. Our press decided emails were more interesting.
It’s definitely been available for some time, I have read it before, but I’m not sure if I read it before he was elected.
Yeah I remember it. Because of this and the Access Hollywood tape I didn't think he had a chance of being elected. I thought way too highly of American voters
Same, plus mocking that disabled reporter I was like, this is a joke, it's not going to happen Then it got closer and closer and it looked like this might actually happen Then it did and I still couldn't believe it
Thanks, Comey! It turns out if you make a totally unnecessary ass-covering announcement about a separate cache of e-mails you've actually already seen less than two weeks before the election, it just might affect the outcome! Gee, whoda thunk?
Oh, thanks NYT and other media, too, for covering every Hillary story as if it were hugely significant and damning, while breezing over Trump stories like, "Eh, NBD." Great to see you've learned from that mistake! Wait, I'm being informed they have not, in fact, learned from that mistake.
All due respect but why do you continue to believe/think/infer that it was a mistake and not the entire fucking point?
At this point I don't trust them at all
It's almost like I was being ironic.
Sorry - the bad place has practically immolated my irony detector. My sense of taste and smell came back after covid, so I’m still hopeful. 😀
Wait, that's exactly what they are doing again now.