Febriana Isnaini

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Febriana Isnaini


Tired but over caffeinated. Digital marketer. Estou a aprender português 🇵🇹
I wish we'd just leave this discourse habit on Xitter, but clearly it's not happening
Things are weird and unpleasant in the news! I like to counterprogram my brain and looking at / processing photos does that for me, so hey, here are four photos of mine from my trip to Portugal. Please to enjoy. Or don't. I'm not your boss. I was, but they fired me for stealing office supplies.
If the next life exists I wish to be reborn as a Norwegian. Being an Indonesian sucks whether you're in or out of the country
Bf is the better cook so here are some pictures of his cooking:
I thought Bsky users are more chilled but obviously people are just finding different ways to be weird! The online mob mentality seems to be a common theme everywhere
Flawed moderation I can personally understand, but deliberate enshittification and dark pattern I can't fathom at all. At least make the website remotely usable with a somewhat rewarding experience while harvesting my data
Growing up is saying "I don't want to think about it now" to some annoying problems and then think about it the whole time
Braga style parking is to park your car illegally near the trash bins and then wondering why your car would have random scratches on its sides (it's from the huge trash trucks trying to access the bins)
I think the only universal truth of being terminally online is that we would actually all rather be doing something else
Not necessarily, reddit (given that it's the right subreddit) has been good for software sales. But Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram are not so much.
Sorry, I found it hilarious 😂 they don't need big followers for that! They'd probably be better off working on Google Maps SEO than social media. They just need to post photos and videos of their work on socials as proof and that's it really
Unfortunately it's quite often that your work doesn't reach the right people, or reach people at all 😔 especially if it's on Instagram. It already sucked at least since a few years ago In Japan AFAIK artists would still post on pixiv and some would get publishing deals when they got popular there
It's where you can get the best chance to have people buy from you and it's different depending on the product. My work is to sell software for end customers and businesses for example, and in my case emails and tech website reviews actually work the best
I work in marketing and I've given up on social media as a lead generation channel since I first started my job in 2019 basically. The algorithm changes very quickly and chasing virality is pointless. It always felt like screaming into the void and now it feels even more so
Washing machines with built-in dryers sounds like a good idea in theory, but terrible in implementation
Artist Hitomi Terasawa drew a meticulous cross-sectioned rendering of Hong Kong's infamous Kowloon Walled City before it was razed in 1994. Now we have rare scans revealing the inner workings of the labyrinth-like metropolis. www.thisiscolossal.com/2024/07/kowl...
I like Joe Hill after watching The Black Phone! Will check NOS4ATU, thanks!
It was! He was very good in it and very charismatic too. I am glad that he expanded his career outside of Iceland!
Not entirely fit the description, but there's "Trapped". The detective drives an old SUV and the way he solves crimes is by interviewing the potential suspects at their homes over a coffee in some small Icelandic towns
I look down on men who date women who are too young for them, especially if those women are under 25. Like what would they even talk about with each other There were times when I dated younger guys (I was 29 and he was like 25) and tbh I felt like we barely had anything in common. Felt too young
Seeing that Sagrada Familia resumes its construction, I am thinking yes
Pros and cons living with bf: Pros: Having company, constantly reminded to stay hydrated Cons: He wakes up early and is always ready to start the day immediately like an excited puppy
Worked for a small tech startup with a white man in sales. Probably one of the least knowledgeable men I've ever worked with but knew how to appeal to the right people. They basically promoted him as partner now
Periodic reminder: What you see on social media is an algorithm-curated echo chamber. Those who shout loudest typically get amplified the most, regardless of whether they’re right. The real work takes place offline. If you’re getting stressed out by today, take a break, focus on what you can do.
Isn't this the plot of Black Mirror's "White Christmas"?