
AI image generator shuts down due to lack of profit 🎻
The whole sell of AI to businesses is it's cheaper than paying people. If it is, in fact, not cheaper, and has just been sold cheaply to get everyone hooked on it (as tech companies have done repeatedly), it's hard to see where it goes.
And in a heartening turn, it seems the public is starting to see use of AI imagery as an indicator of lack of quality and/or potential fraud, which completely off-sets any gains from not paying artists.
This! These computer plagarised picture collages just give low quality tacky vibes 🤭🤭🤣
Somehow it reminds me of that indefinable "look" that the covers of self-published books always used to have. You can't necessarily put your finger on any one element, but the whole thing is slightly off.
Slightly Off - John Finnemore's Souvenir See this sketch live in John Finnemore's Flying Visit - touring the UK this autumn! Dates and tickets at johnfinnemore.comFrom John Finnemore's Souvenir Prog...
Oh thank you! I'll take a look when I'm home, but totally agree with your point!
Oh, that video is just a comedy sketch about a guy who paints slightly off Disney characters on ice cream vans.
I was in the audience when that sketch was recorded, so my laughter is somewhere in the mix.
Wow, jealous. It's ALWAYS better live.
The producer on Souvenir Programme was also producing my sitcom at the time, so I got guestlisted. They were HUGELY popular recordings, usually a lot of people don't turn up because the tickets are free so they issue loads more than the theatre can hold, but practially everyone turned up for JFSP.
At the last lee and herring reunion I was sat next to one of the Cameras they were recording on and you can distinctly hear my booming baritone laugh in the mix. When it was released I got a stream of “is that your Laugh” messages
I live for weird ice cream van art!
A: One slightly off Disney character, oyster ice cream, cherry-studded ice cream. Definitely one of his. B:No, these don't look slightly off, no oyster, no cherry...not him.