
I know it does not resolve the question on people’s minds in the slightest but I think it’s a genuinely corrosive thing to have an expectation that the president of the United States, a human being, should basically be a superhuman in terms of stamina and necessary rest.
Exactly, thank you. Also, does anyone actually think it's good to have the President working well past 8 PM every night? That seems like a bigger cognitive drain than being old.
It's all of a piece with the idea that he's some kind of baby king. It's fucking awful.
It's demented. The president is extremely important but he doesn't have to hold the Scepter of State at all hours or everything falls apart!
There is a reason the executive branch is thousands of jobs, including many, many hundreds of loyalists there to implement the agenda of the party platform and to do the work of the administration.
The literal alternative is a president who stays up all night watching Fox news for policy cues and to fuel his grievances as he posts through the scandal of the day.
I think people don’t realize that the President isn’t micromanaging every decision like a Bridezilla planning a wedding. We should care most about his hiring abilities and management skills, which we know Trump sucks at and how he does try to micromanage everything.
The whole expectation that high-powered people should be On All The Time is terrifying--like, when I hear how little sleep pilots and ER doctors and so forth often get, I am amazed that we're not all dead.
I don't know if it's more about the grindset bullshit that Elon wants us all to believe he's about or working backwards from the conclusion that Biden can't do the job, but both are at play.