
It's also not too late for Trump to go as well. He IS A 34 FELONY CONVICTED FELON WHO STOLE, HID AND SOLD US Top Secrets, tried to overturn the election and steal it from we, the people, had an armed insurrection & Coup, a convicted RAPIST, FRAUDSTER and RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT ... 1
WE SINK into the SEWER? Now, SCOTUS IS CORRUPT because of this psychopathic sadist? Biden may be old, but he isn't any of that. This crook is planning to steal our country and hand it over to the Devil and fake religious perverts. ...3
Conceited liberals man. Trump sucks ass. But there are a lot of people in the USA who aren't convicted felons or under indictment. Any of them could have run. And most of them aren't 81 years old.
home of the brave, you can be whatever you want to be. Did you see the lady at 105, who got her college degree? Master's; I believe it was. So, hit 60 and die? Not me. Such narrow-minds. ... 2
Maybe more Americans need to wake up to the fact that their is a natural course to life and it's brief with ebbs and flows throughout. We aren't 21 forever and we don't have to act like we are.
To be clear yes, I am age discriminating on an 81 year ol man holding the most stressful job in the world. I also age discriminateed my 95 y.o grandma's keys when she damaged the car driving to Atlantic City. Sometimes the truth about age is you aren't as sharp as you want or used to be. That's life
how Biden feels and he takes care of himself. Grandma still around? If so, how is she doing? ... 5
Also as a side grandmas fine, but she lets people driver her down to Atlantic City now. She found acceptance and dumped all the pride crap. Which isn't easy to do.
I don't wanna argue. I was just pointing out that hes elderly & made public gaffs last night. The job of a POTUS is optics and public comms. Being 81 & making public mistakes probably didnt help if he's sharp. & again, there were other choices that could have been made that weren't older or a felon
for them, so he can make them feel better and take everything that used to matter, away from them. It's no fun getting old when your mind is sharp and still young; you feel as if your body is betraying. I'm sure it's ... 4
doing in govt. It's the boob who has no clue. He doesn't want to. He appeals to emotions and ego; the depraved, hateful and grievance side of people. He has made victims out of all of them. Poor little things; so helpless they need a grifting, pathological liar to feel sorry ...3
doesn't mean senility. Nor does looking old mean you're ready for the nursing home either. His mind is sharp. He is slowing down, knees getting a little stiff for walking happens to everyone getting older; some younger even. But he has experience; knows what he is ... 2
That's true and intervention should be done when needed. But it shouldn't be insinuated either. A misstep, fumble of words, tripping over your mouth and getting confused about which way to go, if you have never been there before ...1
But it is the 81 year old who IS doing the good job and telling us the truth, but because he is 81, just a you will be one day, his good work isn't good enough? Talk about age discrimination. Who said a number is supposed to stop you? I thought this was America, land of the free, ... 1
It is. There is no seriously candidate with enough pull waiting off stage. On 5th November, Trump will be re-elected and start his revenge crusade.
Its up to Jill Biden to convince her husband that he has to step aside for a younger, stronger candidate if Trump is to be beaten in November. At this point Joe Biden is selfish not to step aside. Imagine his legacy when he loses to Trump and where that will leave the country. Disaster.
TO PARDON himself from his crimes, railroad his critics into prison, says he will BE a dictator on Day One, allow our enemy to do what he wants to Ukraine and then Poland, Europe, US? Since WHEN DID ...2
Fuck you assholes. Did you miss the part where the other guy lied nonstop? Did you miss the part about his felony convictions? His lack of policy discussion? The failure of CNN to fact check or at least press for an answer to the question? Any fucking question? Stop pretending to be a news outlet!
Yeah now do the felon! Sorry rapist.. sorry liar.. sorry thief.. sorry molester… sorry.. not sorry