Andreas Hopf 🇩🇪 🇨🇭 🇬🇧 🇸🇪

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Andreas Hopf 🇩🇪 🇨🇭 🇬🇧 🇸🇪

Occupation: Senior Lecturer BA/MA at Lund University School of Industrial Design, Sweden. Research projects in industrial design. Focus on form and technology.

Location: Always in transit.
Der völlig frei drehende Orbán und Trump bereiten schon alles vor. Biden nennt Zelenskyi derweil Putin. Der demokratische Westen scheint den Weg zum Abdecker geradezu zu suchen - das „secret wish to fail“ Syndrom in voller Blüte.
Fabian Hoffmann, a defense expert and doctoral research fellow at the University of Oslo, explains how Russian forces managed to evade advanced air defenses in Kyiv to strike the hospital, and whether Moscow has developed a new tactic of air attacks.
How did Russia break through Kyiv air defense to hit children’s hospital? YouTube video by Kyiv Independent
If you've come here from X we're not having the same issue on this platform as we have there. The link to this article is still being miscategorized as spam despite our reports to X. The link to the investigation below should work on Bluesky as it appears to be an X only issue.
Recent PEACE initiatives vis-a-vis Russia are better spelled PIECE initiatives: A piece of Moldova in 1992, two pieces of Georgia in 2008, three pieces of Ukraine in 2014, now four more pieces of Ukraine, and perhaps, soon additional pieces of Kazakhstan, Estonia, Belarus, etc.
Ein politische Versäumnis Berlins, das uns in Europa nach der Trump-Wahl heftig einholen könnte, ist die mangelnde Investition in Solidarität und den europäischen Pfeiler der NATO. Dazu zwei Gedanken und eine Ableitung. 1/21
An absolutely frightening SCOTUS decision. Trump, after re-election in November, could have political rivals or mere dissenters killed with impunity. The next president becomes an emperor.
After five years and over 100 violations, Tesla's Fremont factory has been ordered to abate illegal pollution by the local regulator! I've been reporting about this since 2019, a story nobody else wanted to touch, and was beginning to believe nothing would ever happen!
Tesla ordered to stop releasing toxic emissions from San Francisco Bay Area Tesla must fix air quality problems at its electric vehicle manufacturing facility in the San Francisco Bay Area after racking up more than 100 violations for allegedly releasing toxic emissions into ...
Meine neue Kolumne aus der beschäftigt sich mit dem ultimativen Angeber-Wort der Außenpolitik, dem "Instrumentenkasten", popularisiert vor allem durch Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Es suggeriert immer mehr Optionen, wo doch die Grenzen des Machbaren zu bedenken wären.
What does le Nouveau Front Populaire - made up of La France Insoumise (very left), le parti socialiste (central left), the greens, and the communists (plus a few more) - say about foreign and defence policy ? Where would a French government led by them lead France?
It is hard to describe the feelings that the treason by France in Munich brought about in (up to then francophile) Czechoslovakia. Bunch of fools indeed.
Flowers, not tomatoes, greeted French prime minister Daladier when he returned from Munich in 1938. Knowing the threat posed by Hitler, and that he and Chamberlain had betrayed Czechoslovakia, he said of the cheering crowds: “Bunch of fools."
‘We’re in 1938 now’: Putin’s war in Ukraine and lessons from Some analysts believe Kyiv is buying the west time on the precipice of a world war. Is it being used wisely?
Endlich ordentlich Zunder. In der letzten Zeit wurde es irgendwie zu flauschig. Ich finde #1 ist am wahrscheinlichsten. Danach kommt #5. Eins ist wohl sicher - Europa wird marginalisiert.
Trump’s tariff proposal is bad, but the Republican National Committee response is really scary.
Opinion | The Point: Conversations and insights about the
Der sich gegen einen aufgezwungenen Vernichtungskrieg (und keine Atomwaffen besitzende) Verteidigende "dreht an der Eskalationsspirale mit dem Risiko eines atomaren Konflikts": Ich lese diesen Dreck und mir fehlen die Worte ob dieser niederträchtigen Täter-Opfer-Umkehr. #BSW
The Supreme Court's "code of ethics" has no enforcement mechanism and no way for the public to lodge complaints of misconduct. SCOTUS Justices are being allowed to police themselves, which they've already proven they can't do. Is it any wonder why Americans don't trust them?
"Seid wie die Finnen, bereitet eich auf das Schlimmste vor." Gestern konnte ich mit dem neuen finnischen Präsidenten Alexander Stubb in Helsinki über Russland, die Nato und die Zeitenwende sprechen (Geschenk-Link)
Alexander Stubb: "Bereitet euch auf das Schlimmste vor" Finnlands Präsident Alexander Stubb sieht sein Land als gut gerüstet für einen Angriff Russlands. Im Interview erklärt er, was andere Staaten davon lernen können.
This is such an important issue. Interview with Bundeswehr Generalleutnant Bodemann on the “Operationsplan Deutschland”, the defence plan for Germany in case of an attack. This is about *so much more* than whether the Bundeswehr has enough equipment.
„Operationsplan Deutschland“: Warum es im Ernstfall auf jeden Bürger Generalleutnant André Bodemann stellt einen neuen Verteidigungsplan für Deutschland auf. Ein Gespräch über Frieden, Krieg – und warum es im Ernstfall auf jeden Bürger ankommt.