Lilla "Firebreath" Lagan

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Lilla "Firebreath" Lagan

Bilingual Software Tech Writer by day, Furry Golden Retriever girl also by day and during the night.
3 years old with over 35 years of experience.
Montreal, CAN | EN/FR | She/Her
Hot take alert: Spread hot cakes, not hot takes. Especially my way. Lava Cakes are an acceptable substitute. ... This is why I'm fat.
National Guard guy shares a "secret" (outdated?) map on a Discord server with 3 people: FBI kicks his door in, arrest him and he rots in jail until his court date. Steal boxes upon boxes of TS/SCI stuff, show them, sell them, refuse to return them when asked 2+ times... Get away with it all. WTF.
Enjoying a nice ocean day in our cute swimsuits~ Adorable pupper is artwork by Heatynn on the bird site, AKA ToxicToby on FA!
So, if you're playing #AbioticFactorGame, tell me how much you hate that Leyak monster, and how many times it scared you while you were putting stuff away in a container. That feeling going down your spine? Leyak. That weird noise? Leyak. That faraway lady letting out a death scream? Leyak.
Least sociopathic LinkedIn post ever Like infinite monkeys with typewriters eventually you get a LinkedIn post that makes sense
FUN FACT: Did you know that The Heritage Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization? FUN FACT: They are not allowed to participate in political campaigns. Directly OR Indirectly. FUN FACT: IRS Form 13909 Exists. Do with this info as you will.
Pet peeve: Modern electronics that take *several seconds* to turn on, which otherwise perform a fairly simple task. This is in large part because many of them boot a whole-ass OS (usually Linux) internally instead of having a simpler RTOS or bare-metal firmware.
Don’t think that just because I’m at Anthrocon I don’t have art to post! Meet Sam! A golden retriever lad who I may or may not use for future projects! #furryartist #furries #furry
Next time a Conservative/Republican says that the 1950s were the best years in US history, and we should go back to the values of those days. Remind them that corpo tax rate was ±40%, personal tax rate was 3%, up to 91% for the richest people. If they were "conservatives", they would up tax rates.
#MalaDraw #Furryart The holiday art still goes! Xavious is wearing one of those fluffy-fringed christmas capes that I adore.  Character Art © Malachyte Traditional media sketch commission. Made with mechanical pencil.
City: "Here's a parking fine for leaving your car 5 minutes beyond the allowed time written on the sign." Also City: "We won't fine the construction crew for nearly systematically making loud noises 30+ minutes before the bylaw states that they are allowed to do so." Just normal #Montreal stuff.
Went to Cirque Du Soleil last night, and the bistro there was serving's Zee's favourite thing to say , even though he doesn't like it (As per PlayDate page 23). :3
I think I just had the most surreal interaction with a "sugar baby" scammer; either a really horrible bot, or a really bad non-native-English person. It was, to say the least, glorious and hilarious. Especially as a babyfur, myself. XD The "changies" sticker seemed to have broken them. X3
If someone complains that an artist is increasing their prices, partly due to cost of living, partly due to improvement in their skill... They forever forfeit the right to complain that their employer barely raised their yearly salary at inflation rate, if that much.
Was hesitant to say it at first, but I'm going to be adjusting my commission prices. Living costs are rising & I feel that I may be undercharging for the amount of work I'm putting into art. This includes the recent YCH; so next time I open for it the price may be a bit higher.🙏
When you clean your rigid mousepad... Change the used skid pads under your mouse... But it still feels wrong... Because you forgot to remove the plastic film clinging over said skid pads for 3 days... Blonde dog moment, go! At least, my mouse is super smooth again now.
#bunny #celebration #subscribers  A while back, we hit 100 subs on my site, and our highest count so far! I wanted to commemorate the event since it's such a huge milestone for me. You can join in too, at! Find more at
The string of horrible furry media coverage in the early 2000s didn't exist in a vacuum. It was part of a massive post-9/11 push for jingoism and "normalcy" on TV. So everybody "different" or "marginal" would be portrayed as a villain or be made the target of mockery. Hence furry marginalization.
Alright, better now. Should be good for another ±10 years. It's like an economical cycle, feels like.
Back from family function... I'm mentally and emotionally exhausted. It takes everything out of me to attend those. And now, all I want to do is curl up in a ball and cry for the next week. Because effing hell, everyone's got their shit sorted, and I'm still living with mom, questioning my gender.
Post-debate feelings as an outsider: Voting Trump is voting for a lunatic, idiot, ignorant, lying, gaslighting, racist, authoritarian, retrograde wannabe-dictator. Voting Biden is voting for the US's first Black Woman President. I get the confusion, but it's not THAT difficult.
Welp, since I can't go to Furnal Equinox next year... Seriously considering #Vancoufur2025. Hmmmmmm... HMMMMMM...
The whole attitude of "it doesn't affect me, so who cares" when it comes to INFOSEC really, really, REALLY pisses me off. Today, it's not you that gets their personal info leaked. But tomorrow, it might be. If we ALL hold companies/sites accountable, we ALL win, even if currently we're unaffected.
I love the fact that Bungie is self-aware and talented enough in #Destiny2 to be able to make such fourth-wall breaks in their game's ending. I'm still remaining unconvinced about TFS, mind you. Still trying to complete that third fight of Iconoclast (I'm low-skill/high-engagement, sorry).
When you just finished having a lot of stress for a while, and it triggers your cub side... And then, you see more stress on the horizon, further triggering your cub side... And you can't let it out, because reasons. One of which is NEEDING someone to be able to let yourself be in that state. -_-
It's always such a pleasure to make these icons when June comes! #furryart #furry #pride #trans #ace #asexual
I mean it. Stop trying to bottle, scroll, incant, write or otherwise try and contain me. I'm a dog. Not a spell. Sheesh. Just provide tummyrubs and treats, with occasional walkies, and we're totes good. Honestly. It's genuinely not that difficult. >_< (Also, obey leash laws plzkthx)
Scale & Tale - "Potions & Perils" (plus a bonus panel)