
maybe I’ve just lost the plot but biden has like a 40 year history of needlessly kicking his own ass in various goofy new ways then popping out the other side giggling like the caddyshack gopher so I dunno what I’m supposed to do as far as freaking out that he’s up to it yet again
like, these are two old dudes who should be retired on some porch someplace nice and long out of the public consciousness, but they aren’t, and that’s just how shit is so I guess I got better things to sweat
by the way it’s fucking weird as hell to write that you’re weeping over watching two old dudes in suits at podiums on tv, that’s unhealthy shit and nobody should say it’s normal and something to copy
I suspect I’m not alone in that I know people that are going to vote for Trump/Biden/not vote but I truly can’t imagine anyone I know is undecided and was watching the debate to see how spry they were.
Not to say that these people don’t exist or I don’t unwittingly know them, but I think this person being so alien really induces a certain sense of insanity in the kind of person who’s really into the debates.
it’s a lot like being super into competitive microsoft excel tournaments and then having a fifteen minute panic attack watching some poor normie right clicking the mouse to select copy and paste
The best spin you can put on a lot of campaign choices is that I believe it’s highly likely that if you could crack the code on messaging to these people it would bear no resemblance to what I think a good campaign looks like.