
once again chuckling at the 3 libs on scotus doing the whole bullshit "what if there's a patchwork electoral system" dance
Not acceptable. This can never be acceptable.
you had a chance to put in the supreme court record the violence eating away at american government and memorialize for history the people running cover for that violence and you fucking chickened out
probably comforting to believe they (and biden and congressional dems et al) are cunning political calculators because the alternative -- they they’re just too scared to act -- is so frightening
It's worse than both of those I'm afraid
Feels like there’s an even worse (and more likely) 3rd answer which is that they believe they’re doing the morally principled thing. That whether or not trump burns democracy down is not their concern, and that their only duty is to maintain the public’s *faith* in institutions (re: prof murray)
I don’t think they’re scared. I think they’re in such a bubble they don’t understand how bad shit is