
not the most important angle, but i got the ny trial right while so many legal experts flubbed it bc, when the charges dropped, i (1) recognized it was outside my area of expertise and so (2) went and talked to people who knew the law and practiced in the jurisdiction.
the fact that this was NOT the dominant approach taken by talking heads, law profs who want to be pundits, and former fed prosecutors with no background in ny law, is a pretty damning indictment of our political media generally and the lawyers who thrive in it.
eg ian milhiser blocked me on twitter when i pointed out that he was having a panic attack over the existence of a memo saying this was a dud case, but he had no idea who wrote the memo or what it said substantively. jed shugerman spoke to a fed prosecutor who'd practiced in MA (??) for background
Jed Shugerman embarrassed himself on Trump Trials Podcast on NPR a few weeks ago when he was on saying the case was unprecedented and not good. Anyway he was wrong and is a bad lawyer I guess. Don't hire him!
lol he's a law professor who specializes in administrative law. why is he opining on this case at all????
Because he had the take they wanted to report I guess
Because he has been opining on stuff before, and journos first instinct is "Who's that law professor who always gives nice quotes when we ask him about legal stuff, again?"
"How many areas of law could there be, Michael?"
Yeah basically this except it’s an associate producer going through a list of names in a google doc lol
Jed is the kind of guy who practices for his media appearances instead of teaching his 1l tort students
As someone who’s worked on docs and news it’s pretty simple: he’s the first name in a producers Google doc that answered the email/text/phone call.
You have to remember with people like the names being listed here, the goal is not to get anything right, it’s to get paid.
it's not our job to evaluate whether or not the emperor actually has clothes--it's our job to tell him how awesome his clothes are
Which they will, regardless of how right or wrong they get anything.
and my bosses hate me because I try to help them and give them honest answers to their stupid ideas and questions. Not fair!
didn't trump put ian in prison?
"This is unprecedented" is said constantly about Trump's legal woes by his cultists, and it's a stupid argument. It's unprecedented merely because Trump's criminality is unprecedented. Nixon would have been prosecuted if not for Ford, but Trump's corruption makes Nixon look like a saint.
I kept telling Shugerman that he was just flat-out wrong on aspects of NY procedure and pointing him to caselaw and he kept telling me that the caselaw was irrelevant because it didn't involve Federal election law violations as a predicate crime, which has nothing to do with the procedure at issue.
Have had similar experiences
i mean jed had a freak out and claimed standard practice indictments were unconstitutionally vague just generally when the charges first dropped lol.
Oh hey, I had that specific conversation with him!
Him, guy who's never been inside a state courthouse in his life: this indictment is threadbare, it's going to be dismissed. Me: Have you heard of a Bill of Particulars? Him: There's never been a prosecution in this charge without a financial victim. Me: Here's a Court of Appeals case with one.
At my prior firm, we used to say “smart people recognize what they don’t know, and hire smart lawyers to advise them. Lawyers are people too.” (We did legal malpractice work, and dabbling lawyers were good for business).
Big “I’m a wills and estate guy but I’m gonna take a swing at a defamation case” energy.
Yeah. I'm not a lawyer but I was on the lookout for law-talkin people who disagreed with my assumptions about the case, & when the only one was a guy who doesn't seem to have ever practiced law in that state, I got reeeally skeptical, like when computer scientists tell me climate change isn't real.
Obviously not all prosecutors created equal but to the extent the question here was “does the Manhattan DAs office know more about NY criminal law than me, a lawyer who has never practiced in NY” the answer was “almost certainly”
Towards your point, if an experienced NY PD or white collar defense attorney had written a cogent “here’s why these are bullshit” piece that moves the needle, but I never saw one of those
If I want “former clerk who only does federal law speculates wildly” I can do that myself
stern wrote a piece a year ago saying it was a dud case but then did a mea culpa a few weeks ago. i caught some of his podcast where he interviewed one of their reporters - stahl- who was always bullish on the case and asked what he saw in the case. "i found people to talk to who knew this law"
but honestly good on stern for changing his mind before the trial, and not simply forgetting what he said and shifting off to a different subject like a bunch of them after the trial
if you get blocked by Ian Milheiser does he put up a daily tweet indicating that he’s still not reading you
Jealous of the Milhiser block tbh. I tried to get one when he’d give his inane and outdated law firm career advice but no luck.
Elie Honig qualifies as an expert in the relevant law, and he's been both misinformed and wrong about this case the entire time—including today
pretty sure he was a federal prosecutor?
yup. in NY. organized crime.
and he's writing withering opinions without having read so much as the jury instructions
How dare you sir! Jed Shugerman is a lawyer AND a historian AND a Massachusettsian AND an embarrassment Wait
He has hilariously not said anything about it
the pundits who got it right were largely the ones who went “look they prosecute stuff like this all the time, they probably know what they’re doing”
A straightforward documents case.
yeah, lawyer friends of mine were kind of eh on the case but mostly thought they’d get him on at least some of it. granted wasn’t their area of expertise either
whereas the georgia case and especially the mar-a-lago documents case their takes were “yeah he’s turbo-fucked”
Not sure that prediction panned out tho
that's why you are historys greatest legal podcaster. it's baffling how lazy ppl can be or become influencers and talk beyond their expertise. its okay to not know things, but like you did, dig into it
So you know that thing in sports where they get former players and coaches to be announcers and they’re often funny but there are better professionals who could be doing the job? Take that and make it important stuff instead of sports. That’s a lot of our journalism landscape.