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Enjoyer of the the Trickster Archetype.
Depression really steals so much more than you realize.
Tw: weight / weight gain Gaining 48 pounds in three months has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me. I know I’m SUPPOSED to, but it’s still hard for me mentally. Also hard for me physically- adjusting to more weight on my body for every day tasks is extremely hard!!
28 books so far fellas
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In lieu of dealing with people, I have decided to simply return to the sewers & become a rat.
I ate roughly a pound or two of watermelon yesterday, and I couldn’t get to sleep from how bloated I was.
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I’d have to pretend to be an augmented human, and that would be a strain. I’d have to change, make myself do things I didn’t want to do. Like talk to humans like I was one of them.
Apparently the current tik tok trend is doorbell ditching at 1 am 🙄 Can we get one that doesn’t involve disturbing the peace or something
I still think about some of the short stories after reading this more than two months ago. The one about the glitched system still haunts me.
OUT THERE SCREAMING won the Stoker Award for Best Anthology! Thanks so much to Jordan Peele and the Monkeypaw team allowing me to be part of this book—and to all of the authors who wrote such incredible stories for it. Huzzah!
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Tired: Gummy Bears Wired: Gummy PRAYERS 🙏
One slice of sourdough or multigrain bread Whipped cream cheese spread Blackberries Air fryer @350 for 4 minutes Drizzle with lemon honey Sprinkle of cinnamon
You know the scarab scene in the mummy? Being pregnant is like that sometimes and it’s literally the worst
I’m playing bauhaus on the way to work, and Lilith is just bouncing along like crazy in there :’)
I love my mom, but she literally turns everything into a competition and it’s exhausting.
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if you can’t create without chatGPT i have terrible news about how creative you actually are
Everyone: how are you Me: tired Everyone: weLL GeT uSeD tO It 😜😜😜 Me:
“I loved being pregnant! You’re so lucky!” “I actually hate it, thanks.” “I loved feeling them inside of me.” “That’s one of the worst parts, and that’s probably the worst way you could have said it.” Please don’t talk to me in public if I don’t know you!!!!!!!!
My mom, excitedly: our lawn person is a they-them! 😂😭 character growth is lovely
What is happening with Google?? Anything I ask is met with a hundred products instead of answers??
I know I’m old because i only recognize like two names on the acl lineup
Is there an astrology thing I can blame this week on? I’m so out of it and done.
I felt so included in our team meeting today. One of the presenters said something that came off as unprofessional and wasteful of our time, and someone on my grade level team and I exchanged a loaded secret glance. It made me hehe.
Today was a good teaching day :) my honor class’s response to today’s reading and my sped supported class’s. They crushed it!
My mom got these two onesies off the registry for us, and they made me giggle 😂
I chaperoned prom tonight which took place from 8-12. From 11:15 onwards, it was just 3 kids keeping all of us from going home. I’m glad they had fun and everything, but i also resent them for i am eepy
Me watching trad wife videos: eww gross, not for me Me doing everything they’re doing: my husband has severe adhd and will literally die if i do not set this up for him. I am his 504 plan.
One of my students showed me a “tracking page for Mrs. Andersens class” where she has been actively tracking anything i set down so she can tell me where it is when i inevitably forget and need it later. It’s usually my water bottle or worksheets and i love her for that.
I found out you can soft boil eggs in an air fryer, and I’m never going back.