
That a democratic republic can't have mechanisms in place to prevent someone who attempted to use the power of the presidency to nullify an election he lost from appearing on the ballot is nuts.
“Were Trump to be excluded from a ballot, Trump voters would of course claim that they have been cheated. But they will claim that anyway, in any possible scenario in which Trump does not win reelection. He will lie about the outcome, and they will believe him.”
There’s Nothing Undemocratic About Barring Trump From the Some take a dim view of using the Constitution to disqualify the former president, saying only the voters have the right to decide. There are some big holes in their argument.
There is no scenario, absolutely none, where Trump will "accept" a loss at the ballot box; and most of the GOP will go along with whatever action he demands to nullify that loss. He should be disqualified now when his power is undoubtedly far weaker than it will be in November.
Of course, that's not what they think. They think we can have such rules, but Trump must be exempt from them.