density's child

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density's child

tone says it all 🏳️‍🌈 he/him
Really struggling to understand why both the mainstream media and Democratic leadership are finding it so hard right now to express what I think is a fairly basic point. Political violence is bad and a second Trump presidency means more of it.
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a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
A big week for AI this week! Unfortunately, it's all incredibly boring. And if these companies weren't using the word "AI" for these products literally no one in the world would care.
masha gessen told haaretz that biden is throwing away american democracy for israel’s sake
Did you know a guy tried to run over anti-genocide student protesters in NYC yesterday? Probably not, since local coverage has been scant and slow. I explain the horrifying incident, the driver’s extremist family ties, and new details from an eyewitness. Read/share/subscribe:
“I didn't think he was gonna stop”: Cousin of infamous extremist rabbi Meir Kahane attacks student protesters with A student eyewitness tells The Handbasket what he saw.
What is with elites' bizarre fetish for polite disagreement? Amy Coney Barrett's ideas are wrong and their implementation is harming people, it's perfectly reasonable to point that out.
Liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett are headlining joint public appearances to make the case for disagreeing more agreeably at a time when the country is more polarized than ever and public opinion of the Supreme Court is at historic lows.
The Supreme Court seems bitterly divided. Two justices say Liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett have taken their friendship onstage to encourage civil public discourse.
Today let’s remember this story about Kris Kristofferson absolutely destroying Toby Keith (from a Rolling Stone article by Ethan Hawke, for some reason)
I don’t actually want answers to these questions. They just show how empty these talking points are — the US doesn’t care about any of these things. The US cares about maintaining military & economic might in the region via a complicit Israel as proxy state.
They should invent apartments where you can't hear the neighbors
Spotify AI DJ has good song picks, but the AI voice is ineffective and uninteresting. Unless AI is reporting relevant music news or local tour info of artists you follow: it seems like a waste of computational energy to interrupt music with 15 seconds of dead-voiced robojabber.
i'm convinced that we're in the middle of the popomomo (post-postmodern movement) in design—a term i just coined. unless, i heard it somewhere and forgot.
End of feed.