The Bear Jieux

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The Bear Jieux

I’m just a weird kid at heart.
Black wolf of the family.
Critical thinking > indoctrination
GIF Enthusiast
Louisiana State Police chasing a car through my block. #StRoch #NOLAtwitter
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Biden has presided over the most progressive presidential administration in modern history. How is that not "actually good"?
The place im coming from is that we’ve got a solid four months to try to turn “less worse” into “actually good” and a key part of that process is not giving in to “less worse” as an acceptable option
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This may come as a surprise to some internet poisoned people, but harassing Jews does nothing to help Palestine
Reposted byAvatar The Bear Jieux
You got these big fucking teeth and big fucking claws, but you’re saying to yourself, “how do I kill this bunny? With these, how do I kill this bunny!?!”
tell me your fav film with a quote.
I want to believe that Jacob Shaffelburg is Jewish. #CANMNT #VENCAN #CopaAmerica
I keep forgetting that today is Friday.
Liz Cheney has evolved into a moderate.
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Trump: The Mayflower sailed from France loaded with anti American drug smugglers who raped & Pillaged all the tacos at Chipotle Biden: The sky is green Every Media Outlet: Biden’s unfit!
…so nothing is really changing…
Reposted byAvatar The Bear Jieux
For the week of fireworks that is about to start, your dog will be fine. They were fine last year and the year before. They act the same when it thunders, so calm down with the virtue signaling.
Reposted byAvatar The Bear Jieux
News outlets have decided trump means more clicks and views. Democracy be damned, they lust for his dictatorship.
Your “freedom fighters” are holding your fellow citizens hostage. #ForthOfJuly #July4th
Reposted byAvatar The Bear Jieux
For the week of fireworks that is about to start, your dog will be fine. They were fine last year and the year before. They act the same when it thunders, so calm down with the virtue signaling.
Reposted byAvatar The Bear Jieux
We need to make sure voters understand the stakes of this election: It's democracy vs. dictatorship. Let's get to work: www.majorityovermaga...
Reposted byAvatar The Bear Jieux
There’s so many lies, liars, and opportunists right now Please put on your critical thinking caps. Also be aware that America does not only reside in DC/NY pundit brains, and don’t get spun
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I would have gladly helped and supported you, but you scream “Zio White Colonizer!” in my face while perpetuating indoctrinated jew-hating propaganda. Bless your heart and good luck.
Maybe you should spend less time “protesting” Jews, and more time getting Joe Biden, the only one with a proven track record of defeating trump, re-elected. Project 2025 is real. Open air prisons are not.
Reposted byAvatar The Bear Jieux
look i'll be clear, I will be voting, and encouraging everyone I know to do the same, against donald trump and the end of democracy in this country in november. I do not care if that means i'm voting for a man who is literally dead.
Reposted byAvatar The Bear Jieux
“I will not use my office to the fullest extent allowable but my opponent will” is a really bad takeaway actually. Just pack the court man.
“Worst genocide ever!” -Comic Book Guy
Still not voting for the convicted felon who wants to be king.
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The thing about watching the courts declare Trump above the law is it really clarifies for me that the central issue of the election should be Israel-Palestine. Glad we've spent so much time on that one