Frank D’Elia

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Frank D’Elia

Refugee from Truth Social 2, aka Xitter
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Reposted byAvatar Frank D’Elia
(2 of 2) I would do it all again if I could. I served under both Dem and Rep POTUS’s. Until now, with Trump and JD Vance, I was NEVER concerned about a potential POTUS’S desire to “uphold and defend the Constitution of the US.” Again…until Now! Please, Keep this in mind when Voting. End
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I spent the better part of my professional career as a US Sailor and Soldier. I served the People and Constitution of The US until my health would no longer permit me to do so. My service during Gulf War I is likely, but not officially, the root cause of my disabilities. (1 of 2)
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Reposted byAvatar Frank D’Elia
John McLaughlin deserves a mention.
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Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
Reposted byAvatar Frank D’Elia
Really good news here from Biden. Kudos to everyone who has been working at all levels to call for court reform. It’s making a difference. We shouldn’t forget the politics and PR steps. The Senate can still investigate and hold hearings.
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Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
Reposted byAvatar Frank D’Elia
The US political media is truly too stupid to realize that a Trump reign of terror is not going to be nearly as fun for them as they assume.
There should have been a lot more wondering about what Putin is getting in exchange for holding an American reporter hostage at Trump’s behest. We don’t need to wonder anymore.
Reposted byAvatar Frank D’Elia
There should have been a lot more wondering about what Putin is getting in exchange for holding an American reporter hostage at Trump’s behest. We don’t need to wonder anymore.
Reposted byAvatar Frank D’Elia
What does it mean to refer to Vance’s “expertise as a MAGA spokesman,” which, apparently, “even his most ardent critics” grant. What is the nature of this “expertise”? Bender doesn’t say. /4
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First, a genuine question: did the Times refer to Kamala Harris as Biden’s “successor”? I get that Bender thinks Trump believes that Vance can succeed him in leading the MAGA movement, but this strikes me as loaded language./2
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Perhaps realizing Vance has dissembled about being from Appalachia, Bender claims that his book is about “white, working-class people in Middle America.” I just searched the book on Amazon and the word “Appalachia” appears 14 times; “Appalachian” appears 22 times; “Middle America” is not used once/5
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The claim that Trump “ushered in economic populism” & “downgraded the importance of country-club Republicans while prioritizing blue collar workers,” not only reads like an RNC press release, but is belied by Trump’s record (tax cuts for the rich, an anti-labor NLRB, support for wage theft, etc.)/3
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Here's my longer thread. TLDR Ryan Cooper has long misled his followers about Covid's long term harm to the body. I'm glad he is now admitting that Covid can and does damage many people's immune systems (among many other harms)
Here's Akiko Iwasaki, a top immunologist, one of Time Magazine's Most Influential People in health and medicine, talking on the American Medical Association podcast talking about various theories about the cause of long covid, all involve immune damage
Akiko Iwasaki on what causes long COVID, brain fog, the Yale Paxlovid study and long COVID The AMA Update covers a range of health care topics affecting the lives of physicians and patients. Learn more about the causes of Long COVID, treatments and more.
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Actually, not linking directly to misinformation is standard practice for journalists. Amplifying articles with false information spreads that false information. Instead, here's a link to a great resource by Memorial Sloan Kettering that debunks your nonsense:
one propaganda tactic Taylor has copied from her Tiktok misinformation friends is you never, ever link to the source you're criticizing. you provide a screenshot and then lie about what's in it
MSK Library Guides: COVID Impacts: Detailed information and resources on the long-term health consequences of COVID-19 infection and the broad social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic
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There's a general question abt damage to the immune system. Cooper claims "There is no solid evidence that an ordinary case of COVID damages the immune system." He should probably stop doing that & you should prob not defend it.
Reposted byAvatar Frank D’Elia
Cooper's evidence? "Reseach shows", without identifying any such research. Give me a break. Try instead the NIH or someone else with actual understanding of the issues.
Severe COVID-19 may lead to long-term innate immune system NIH-funded research links alterations to inflammatory protein, underscores vaccine importance.
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Ryan continues to lie to his followers because most people are deeply uneducated about Covid. It's not even remotely disputed by any doctor who actually treats long covid or any scientific expert who studies it that Covid can and does damage many ppl's immune systems
Covid-19 increases risk of developing autoimmune disease, but vaccination helps, large study A large study in Japan and South Korea shows that Covid-19 increases risk of developing autoimmune disease, but vaccination helps.
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Also read this excellent piece about how liberals and leftists (incl people like Ryan), are boosting false and dangerous ideas about disease that serve as the bedrock of the anti vaxx movement. This is why what he's doing is so bad:
Liberals joined conservatives to mainstream anti-vax beliefs about viruses and public Viruses are bad for kids' health. Public health is a collective effort. Liberals no longer believe either.
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For ppl who don't have immune issues, it's easy to tune this stuff out. But for those of us who actually have wonky immune systems, it's crucial to be aware of the harm Covid can do. Stop listening to random political journalists like Ryan about Covid and listen to ACTUAL experts treating long covid
COVID-19: Study Suggests Long-term Damage to Immune NIH News Release: "...findings suggest that SARS-CoV-2 infection damages the CD8+ T cell response, an effect akin to that observed in earlier studies showing long-term damage to the immune system afte...
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Reposted byAvatar Frank D’Elia
Here's Akiko Iwasaki, a top immunologist, one of Time Magazine's Most Influential People in health and medicine, talking on the American Medical Association podcast talking about various theories about the cause of long covid, all involve immune damage
Akiko Iwasaki on what causes long COVID, brain fog, the Yale Paxlovid study and long COVID The AMA Update covers a range of health care topics affecting the lives of physicians and patients. Learn more about the causes of Long COVID, treatments and more.
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No serious person disputes Covid can and does damage many people's immune systems. Unless you think Memorial Sloan Kettering is lying, Merck is lying, and cancer doctors who talk abt and treat these issues constantly are all lying. Ryan has fallen into denialism.
Didn’t Lindsey G., Little Marco, Cancun Cruz all trash Trump? Shame isn’t something any of them feel.
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The attempted assassination of Donald Trump does not erase the crimes that Trump himself has committed against American democracy, or the crimes he would commit if given the chance, and no one is obligated to pretend otherwise
Nothing About the Attempted Assassination Redeems This crime does not erase what the former president has done, or what he has promised to do.
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style guide tip for journalists: when you want to use the term "populist," stop and consider whether you actually mean "stoker of white resentment" (you probably do)