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The "R.R." in J.R.R. Tolkien stands for "Ruff Ryder". Same as George R.R. Martin, weird enough.

Reposted byAvatar Ben
this is romance, to me
Still the greatest scene in all of Robotech.
Reposted byAvatar Ben
Brontosaurus roasting Pluto in the Discord rn
I'm going to keep going on this one. I like peanut butter. I like ice cream. I do not like peanut butter in ice cream. Something about the textural clash.
instead of having discourse let's talk about meaningless food preferences, sports beefs and fun stuff (hobbies). we don't need to discourse about any of the stuff we're discoursing about right now. free your hearts
Oh, I've also said this one before, but I will always contend that looking at your opponents' screen in Goldeneye was not cheating. It's only cheating if one person could do it but not another. You just have to accept that Goldeneye on N64 is an open information game.
instead of having discourse let's talk about meaningless food preferences, sports beefs and fun stuff (hobbies). we don't need to discourse about any of the stuff we're discoursing about right now. free your hearts
Not only do I like crunchy peanut butter, I like extra crunchy. My ideal peanut butter is a jar of peanuts with the peanut butter just filling in the cracks.
instead of having discourse let's talk about meaningless food preferences, sports beefs and fun stuff (hobbies). we don't need to discourse about any of the stuff we're discoursing about right now. free your hearts
Reposted byAvatar Ben
Mary's tried and true method of "just keep trying with this relationship that makes you feel terrible! Over and over!" is exactly how she counsels the women she bullies into dating Wilbur
mary worth needs to be stopped. dawn's mother abandoned her years ago, then reached out to reconnect and immediately reabandoned her (and kicked her out of the house) but mary is like "give it another shot sometime"
Reposted byAvatar Ben
The Crab Rangoon you’re eating is from Applebee’s, Michael
In the director's cut of The Lost Boys they go through dozens more different types of Chinese food, with each one turning into a different gross thing.
Reposted byAvatar Ben
i don't do a lot of politics here but he's exactly the kind of principle-free, soulless, utterly without scruple, dead-eyed psycopath who should never, ever be near the levers of power
Me and all my friends are getting bespoke Nudie Suits.
if you won a million dollars what would be the first ridiculous thing you'd buy? something silly and pretty and fun for yourself. it can be small. I'd buy a hot pink e-bike or vespa, and give it pink marabou streamers.
Reposted byAvatar Ben
This went out without any fanfare at all, oops. But hey, Sapphic Pulp backers, check your inbox!! 🥰
Reposted byAvatar Ben
But that way of thinking doesn’t fly on these platforms, where just being social has been gamified into an ongoing all-comers popularity contest. Here, personality is all. Actions are mostly meaningless here, because actions happen offline.
Reposted byAvatar Ben
Principle and integrity are important, of course they are. You have to stand for something. But you also have to make things happen, and that takes a willingness to engage and compromise where necessary.
Reposted byAvatar Ben
went to the zoo and none of the animals knew you
Reposted byAvatar Ben
There’s a Lady Macbeth? WOKE.
Reposted byAvatar Ben
New character just been introduced in Juliet’s Final Fantasy game. Her party found a coffin, inside it was what appears to be the singer from a late 90s/early 00s goth nu metal band called, like, Orgazmix or something, that supported Society 1 and Him and got a couple of spreads in Kerrang
Reposted byAvatar Ben
every time some streamer or celebrity gets cancelled i feel like the pirahã guys in the amazon getting told about jesus. that sounds messed up, this guy was a friend of yours? oh. you never met him? i don't understand why you're telling me this.
Reposted byAvatar Ben
i'm not taking any position on whether she had the powers traditionally imputed to her, but the historicity of suzumiya haruhi as a girl is well-established and not in question among historians
Reposted byAvatar Ben
Do you think in reality there truly was a king or perhaps war leader ('dux bellorum') named Arthur living in immediately post-Roman Britain who halted the advance of Germanic invaders for a generation or does the glaring lack of primary source material indicate that he was probably apocryphal?
One of my favorite recurring things on social media is “David tries to explain Final Fantasy”.
Buddies I cannot begin to describe the shit that just went down in Juliet’s Final Fantasy game. Two of her characters went on a date to a VR opera, but then they were IN the opera, and one of them had to fight the punk lion and then a bunch of other weird shit happened and now they’re on a big wheel
Reposted byAvatar Ben
Carnal sin doesn't have to involve carnitas. But, it can. If you want it to. There should be a taco bar at the sex club is where I'm going with this.
Spotted driving into Charlotte: a decal across the back of a huge truck that said “We Dem Boys” in trans pride flag colors.
Reposted byAvatar Ben
It’s like they’re the only ones who even care.
Goldfish crackers really holding that line.
As a society we just don’t flavor blast as many things as we used to.
Reposted byAvatar Ben
you see your pets twitching their little limbs in their sleep and say to your partner "look, it is running through a field in its sleep", you are wrong: your pet is in a casino: throwing dice, playing slots and video poker, walking on two legs and betting large on a blackjack table
Reposted byAvatar Ben
Fun fact: I ordered 100 of these ashtr - uh "Dice Trays," and the manufacturer actually sent me ONE THOUSAND of them. So if you need one or five of maybe 500, I got you covered. You will also get a couple-few matchbooks, which are not for use with the "Dice Tray."
Reposted byAvatar Ben
Ever mispronounce a word so badly it changes the definition? I momentarily misread “barfly” as “barf-lee,” presumably meaning “in the manner of vomitus”
Reposted byAvatar Ben