
Laura K. Nelson
Laura K. Nelson
Associate Professor @ UBC
Computational Sociology
Machine Learning is Feminist

You only have to look at the Medusa straight on to see her. And she’s not deadly. She’s beautiful and she’s laughing.
James Tauber
James Tauber
Using computers to better understand languages, texts, and music.

Python and Web Developer, Corpus Linguist, Data Scientist, Philologist, Music Theorist, Composer, Tolkien Scholar.

Signum & Perseus. Greek Learner Texts Project & Digital Tolkien Project
dr joshua phillips
dr joshua phillips
Woolf Doctor | Turns squiggles into angle brackets at the University of Oxford | modernism, digital humanities, bad puns | he/him
David Smith
David Smith
Associate professor of computer science at Northeastern University. Natural language processing, digital humanities, OCR, computational bibliography, and computational social sciences. Artificial intelligence is an archival science.
Michael Gavin
Michael Gavin
Professor of English and Digital Humanities at Univ South Carolina. Author of Literary Mathematics (Stanford UP). Quiet poster, usually. Website:
John Russell
John Russell
Digital humanities librarian at Penn State, associate director of the Center for Virtual/Material Studies.
Jason Rhody
Jason Rhody
Senior Director of Engagement Strategy (@MLANews). #HuMetricsHSS. Former: @SSRC_mtp, @NEH_ODH, @UMD_MITH, PhD English (UMD), #altac. Opinions mine.
Evelyn Gius
Evelyn Gius
Prof for digital philology & head of at TU Darmstadt.
Interests: Digital Humanities | Computational Literary Studies | Annotation (with | Operationalization | Narrative Theory | Events, Plot, Conflict
Manika Lamba
Manika Lamba
Incoming Assistant Professor, SLIS, University of Oklahoma | Postdoctoral Research Associate, School of Information Sciences, UIUC• Author of
Ryan Cordell
Ryan Cordell
he/him—textual technologies enthusiast—suspected mechanical paragraphist—Associate Professor at UIUC's School of Information Sciences & Department of English—PI for Viral Texts and Skeuomorph Press
Federico Pianzola
Federico Pianzola

I teach and do research in Computational Humanities at the University of Groningen (NL)

ERC StG "Graphs and Ontologies for Literary Evolution Models" (GOLEM)
Brian Halley
Brian Halley
Executive Editor at University of Massachusetts Press, based at UMass Boston. Views here don’t reflect them. Feminist, progressive, 🏳️‍🌈, into books, dogs, ocean, print culture, lit studies, environmental studies/climate justice, and more.
cultural big data, #digitalhumanities, HuNI Has Anyone Seen A Woman?
Jason B Jones
Jason B Jones
Teaching and learning with technology. Currently: Northeastern U. Previously Woolf, Trinity, CCSU, ProfHacker

edtech / digital humanities / LFC / &c
Sarah Bull
Sarah Bull
English professor, book historian. 19th c. medical books, erotic books, + ways print and knowledge moved around. SELLING SEXUAL KNOWLEDGE forthcoming from Cambridge UP. Next: project on text reuse in books.
Sheila A Brennan
Sheila A Brennan
digital public humanist, public servant, pop culture consumer, outdoorsy, eater and maker of tasty foods
Memory & Technology
Memory & Technology
A newsletter focused on the intersection of memory work and technology from Thomas Padilla.
Anupam Basu
Anupam Basu
Collecting data about stories. Telling stories with data.
David McClure
Chris Forster
Chris Forster
Associate English Prof., Syracuse University.

Interested in modernism, history of media, obscenity, and computational approaches to literary studies (uh, fine *digital humanities*).
Camilla Holm Soelseth
Camilla Holm Soelseth
Kulturingeniør, jungeltelegrafist, medieøkolog og (digital) humaniora-entusiast. Gift med @sortulv. Logistikk, poetikk, estetikk, vedlikehold.

Researcher and Destroyer in the (digital) humanities. Lover of infrastructure
Courtney Thorsson
Courtney Thorsson
I study, teach, and write about African American literature.

**The Sisterhood: How a Network of Black Women Writers Changed American Culture**
Seo-Young J. Chu (she/her)
Seo-Young J. Chu (she/her)
queer disabled Korean Am semi-feral model minotaur. A Refuge for Jae-in Doe; I, Stereotype: Detained in the Uncanny Valley; I, Discomfort Woman; Do Metaphors Dream of Literal Sleep? A Science-Fictional Theory of Representation; The DMZ Responds; #MeToo
Derek Miller
Derek Miller
Theater historian. Little League coach. Cruciverbalist.
Alex Wingate
Alex Wingate
PhD student in Information Science. Book History of early modern Navarre (bookselling/private libraries), DH, libraries, and rare books. Bibliography Editor for Chymistry of Isaac Newton and SHARP News (was alextheknitter on Twitter).
Travis Foster
Travis Foster
nineteenth century american literature, queer feminism, book project on womanishness, he/him sorta
C19 Americanists
C19 Americanists
C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists

C19 2024: THE END, Pasadena, CA, 3/14-3/16
Sarah E. Bond
Sarah E. Bond
Enjoyer of reality tv, mayo, Rome

Assoc. Prof. of History at Iowa & contributor at Hyperallergic. Next Book: Strike: Labor, Unions & Resistance in the Roman Empire (YUP 2025)

Our newsletter, Pasts Imperfect, is here:
Ryan Moulton
Ryan Moulton
Alberto Acerbi
Alberto Acerbi
I am an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento (Italy): cognitive anthropology / cultural evolution / digital media / cultural analytics
Wenyi Shang
Wenyi Shang
PhD candidate (ABD), Information Sciences at UIUC. Peking University alumni. Digital humanities. Apply computational methods on history and literature problems.
Scott Selisker
Scott Selisker
literature prof at U of Arizona. books: HUMAN PROGRAMMING (on metaphors for ideology), SOCIAL MEDIUM (on social networks in narrative and recent history, in the works). he, suh-LISK-er, views mine.
Eileen Clancy
Eileen Clancy
Studying and researching History of Science, Technology, and Computing. Many careered, video archivist. Earnest poster. Enthusiastic and clumsy. Insufficiently reverent. Degree: Digital Humanities. Cis lesbian.
Zachary K Stine
Zachary K Stine
Asst prof of computer science interested in computational methods for the study of language and culture.
STEMMA: Systems of Transmitting Early Modern Manuscript Verse
STEMMA: Systems of Transmitting Early Modern Manuscript Verse
An ERC-funded project led by Prof. Erin McCarthy and based at the University of Galway. We are building the first large-scale computational model of the circulation of early modern verse in manuscript from 1475-1700.
Politically engaged literature professor. I write about Black environmental literature, war, and African Americans in the 19th Century. VP of C19. Plant and poetry lover.
Data/Culture Project
Building sustainable communities around tools & data in the humanities and arts.
Ronda Grizzle
Ronda Grizzle
Chocoholic, reader, herder of cats at Scholars' Lab at University of Virginia Library. Learns about community building, personal development, and group facilitation for funsies.
“poetry person,” university of ottawa. displaced pennsylvanian.
Joshua Ortiz Baco
Joshua Ortiz Baco
Digital Scholarship Librarian and Recovering Spanish and Portuguese PhD

Relearning how to live and work inside and out of academia. Constantly away from home 🏴󠁵󠁳󠁰󠁲󠁿 🇵🇷 🏴󠁵󠁳󠁰󠁲󠁿

#DH #MultilingualDH #Libraries #Caribbean #LatinAmerica
Matt Miller
Matt Miller
Libraries/Data - Working at Part of
Levi Stahl
Levi Stahl
Editor of The Getaway Car: A Donald Westlake Nonfiction Miscellany and The Daily Sherlock Holmes. Marketing Director at the University of Chicago Press. Board member of the Uptown People’s Law Center.
ben bernard
ben bernard
Historian of early modern France; postdoctoral College Fellow, University of Virginia.
Erin A. McCarthy
Erin A. McCarthy
Professor of English Literature and Computational Humanities. PI of the ERC-funded STEMMA project. Basketball superfan/player/coach and sometime softball shortshop.
Erik Linstrum
Erik Linstrum
Historian of Britain, imperialism, and decolonization at the University of Virginia. Author of AGE OF EMERGENCY: LIVING WITH VIOLENCE AT THE END OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE (Oxford, 2023) and RULING MINDS: PSYCHOLOGY IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE (Harvard, 2016)
Laure Thompson
Laure Thompson
Research software engineer

natural language processing, machine learning, cultural analytics
graduate student in English and digital humanities at Stanford University

views are my own
Matthew L. Jones
Matthew L. Jones
“How Data Happened” with Chris Wiggins available now! History of science, computing, sigint, and technology, Princeton
Laurie Allen
Laurie Allen
Philadelphian. Librarian.