Sarah Bull

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Sarah Bull

English professor, book historian. 19th c. medical books, erotic books, + ways print and knowledge moved around. SELLING SEXUAL KNOWLEDGE forthcoming from Cambridge UP. Next: project on text reuse in books.
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Surely Woolf is being far too kind here. This sounds like it has to be one of the worst novels ever written.
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The latest cover of the New Yorker:
Can anyone recommend any good resources/essays/lists of advice on running a (small) research team and designing projects with this in mind, especially from a humanities perspective? I’d like to get better at this for the sake of student RAs and for the sake of my research.
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academics! teachers! what's the most recent guidebook to academic writing (conference papers, dissertations, etc.) for the arts/humanities you'd recommend?
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It was uncanny to spend Walter Benjamin's birthday in the Leopold Museum's exhibit on the New Objectivity in German art of the 20s & 30s. Most of the artists shown were declared "degenerate" & ended up in exile or murdered in the camps. Here is the wonderfully queer Kate Diehin-Bitt, who survived.
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Lost in the ongoing Trumpapalooza is the excellent news that a malaria vaccination developed at Oxford Univ. over the last 30 years and costing only £3 per shot is being unrolled in malaria-prone countries. If it fulfills its promise, this will make an enormous difference to so many lives.
I finally deactivated my account.
I’ve said this a million times, but I’m genuinely frightened about what Musk’s fascist propaganda network is doing to do to our politics. I really wish someone, anyone, would come up with a collective strategy to get journalists, organizers and elected officials off the platform.
I've never felt as Canadian as I felt this afternoon, when I said to a group of parents who had come over to pick up their kids "oh, you don't need to take your shoes off!" — and they all did exactly what I would do: look deeply uncomfortable, say "oh, no!" and proceed to remove the shoes.
What can a household of people who don't like drinking coconut water do with several litres of coconut water?
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Congratulations to Matthew Daniel Eddy for winning the 2024 Pickstone Prize with his new book "Media and the Mind"! 🎉🍾 Check out this fantastic work on notebooks as extraordinary paper machines between 1700 and 1830.
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Postdoctoral positions and postdocs in the Human-Centered Computing Lab at the Technische Universität München, led by Jana Diesner, who is simply the best.
CFP for papers on population + production, ie Population Bomb, C19 ed (super excited to see this!):
CFP: Political Ecology in Romantic and Victorian Textual Material (Submission Deadline: 9/30/24)
CFP: Political Ecology in Romantic and Victorian Textual Material (Submission Deadline: 9/30/24) |
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Fant ut at jeg når jeg driver med forskning er jeg en informasjonsflanør.💅
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Next week! I will be talking about how geneticists have long recognised a multiplicity of sexes but how eugenics muted the queer potentialities of sexological genomics through the 20th century. 🏳️‍🌈🧬🏳️‍⚧️ #histsci #histbio #hpbio #philsci 🗃️ Info and registration:
'Exploring the Many Dimensions of Sex and Gender in the Genomics Era' 🏳️‍🌈🧬🏳️‍⚧️ I'm delighted to be speaking as part of this phenomenal Zoom Webinar organised by the National Human Genome Research Institute. July 17 & 18 Registration now open . . .
Exploring the many dimensions of sex and gender in the genomics A public two-day National Institutes of Health (NIH) symposium that brings together experts from the biological and social sciences to clarify and contextualize – but not resolve - the complexities ar...
My son and I were in the hospital for an extra week being treated for sepsis after his birth and came out fine. Grateful for quick action by Addenbrookes Hospital surgery staff — I had never even thought of sepsis as a possibility in that context. Learn about the symptoms below:
Just ask: could it be sepsis? I was “lucky” w/my sepsis experience: 3xIV antibiotics,8 days in hospital,6 weeks off work, 6 months until I felt “normal”. But no ICU, no permanent injury: because I called 999 & was treated under the sepsis protocol. Learn the symptoms:
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Highlights from the history of scientific book illustration, from the first two days of my RBS course! 📚📜 #histsci
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Luckily I have air conditioning. Recently in British Columbia (my province) BC Hydro implemented a free air conditioner program for certain income levels. Find it here
Free portable air
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Apparently the British Museum Reading Room is open again for visitors! Kind of disappointed that I didn't know this when I was in London last week. The reading room is known as a place where Karl Marx wrote (though apparently not as frequently as often suggested), but it also crops up frequently +
British Museum reopens Reading Room - Museums Space had previously only been accessible on ticketed tours
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As I turn my attention to planning a fall graduate “Introduction to Digital Humanities” class, what DH scholarship published in the past 3-4 years would you insist should be included on such a syllabus?
Excellent list of ground truths, should be at every one of these events.
This Wednesday, July 10, you are cordially invited to join me and in a discussion that we probably could have called "What to expect if you're expecting to be on the academic job market". Here are some ground truths we will begin with. Register:
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Who is writing about the Harlem Renaissance re-revival? Nice to see the stuff in the NYT etc. (and film of Passing, although unfortunately it was not good) but also weird lack of reflection. Zora is out and Nella is in, all the heavy lifts by Hazel Carby, Deborah McDowell et al. seemingly forgotten
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BRAIN: don't say history of medicine don't say history of medicine don't say history of medicine don't say history of medicine DOCTOR: So what kind of history do you teach? ME: History of medicine. [long pause] DOCTOR: I see. BRAIN: [slow clap]
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Every generation must learn for themselves to think backwards when printing 📚 🖼️ 🎨
So relieved. The only remotely positive thing about the Tory reign is that the press coverage introduced me to the excellent British simile "fighting like rats in a sack"