dr joshua phillips

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dr joshua phillips


Woolf Doctor | Turns squiggles into angle brackets at the University of Oxford | modernism, digital humanities, bad puns | he/him
What’s really surprising here is that Tenacious D still exists.
Without wishing to distract from all the apocalypse-posting, how is it simultaneously cold and muggy this is horrible
a new life awaits you in the offline colonies
Has anyone read any fiction recently that references the pandemic/Covid in a way that isn't central to the narrative? Like Ali Smith's Summer — it's there, it gets a bit of attention, but it's not the main focus.
Does anyone else look at SD cards and think “Okay, that’s far enough, you can stop now”???
Friends fear he has increased his pedantry level by writing to the dictionary with a correction.
The Lectern He destroyed his cage Yes YES The Lectern is officially out
Torn between wondering why the hell the Beeb booked Steve Baker as their Token Tory, and thrilling at him watching him finally being made to squirm like the skewered bug that he has always been
Go into your photo roll or whatever and post the first image that makes you laugh literally out loud.
Would it not be easier In that case for the government To dissolve the people And elect another?
What new madness is this?
sorry i didn’t reply to your email, i have been doing some important research today
So, the techbros are minimising cognitive load by getting rid of the sentence-generating bottleneck and maximising reading potential by getting rid of difficult words? Going all Ray Bradbury would get them to the same place with lower carbon emissions.
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
❌ He — for there could be no doubt of his sex, though the fashion of the time did something to disguise it… ✅ He
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
The hill I will die on is that trains need to be longer: nine-car minimum. Ideally eleven or thirteen. No more five-car services with needless first class. Give us the longbois.
Wild how every mid-aughts Wordsworth Classics cover looks like if you asked Midjourney to make a cover for X book.
Asking my better help therapist if he knows how to make me a body without organs
At least we won’t have to deal with humidity come the AI apocalypse
super excited for the day AI will be able to take over the most tedious tasks of daily life such as making art, engaging with art, maintaining human relationships, etc., so that I can focus on my true passion: creating value for shareholders
After watching the last Doctor Who, iPlayer automatically started playing Rose (2005) and it is an ABSOLUTE trip. How on earth did RTD talk them into a second episode?
Add food, ruin film Orlandough Balls
Add food, ruin* film Babette’s Meat Feast * I would watch the hell out of all these films (I recognise mine is essentially cheating as ‘Feast’ already suggests food)
#!/bin/bash for creative in company; do fire $creative done
I have known many CTOs that did not need to replaced by AI because they could have been replaced much more easily with a very short shell script.
keep cool, keep cool—cucumbers is the word
can "generative" AI make me a sandwich? no? just a fucked up picture of a sandwich? then im against it
My Marvel What If-style inflection point is if my secondary school saxophone teacher had let me play jazz instead of forcing me to do classical grades. Nobody takes up the sax to tootle bad transcriptions of waltzes. ☠️ 🎷
my 14: I don’t want to take lessons anymore I’ll never play cello or piano anyway. me: You have to go until you’re 16 then you can quit if you want. my 14 at this moment: *upstairs with a friend putting on an absolute fucking clinic of a piano show*
Exam question. Given that Josh has deadlines for his writing and his marking, should he be: a) marking b) writing c) messing around with topic modelling
you could use those extra, extra-long fingers to build some pretty cool Legos, tbh
Pretty sure this is the NYPost using an AI-generated image front and center in their article 🥴