
Bluesky is where people come when they’re sick of Twitter’s bullshit, but can’t figure out Mastodon.
I found Mastodon awkward and felt like I had to know all of the secret hand signals over there.
And the content warning wars!
I’ve told the story before. I stopped posting regularly when I discovered that some people insisted on CWs for cats staring at the camera. Because eye contact. 😑 I respect that it’s a thing for some folks. But damnit that was…
That’s weird. Let’s just say it. That’s weird, man. People take pictures of animals looking at the camera all the time. It’s weird to complain about that.
I swear, sometimes you just need to say "shut the fuck up, weirdo, or you're going in a locker."
I've all but shut down one of my accounts. I had to filter out so much stuff I enjoy because some German got mad about shit when they weren't even addressed. The reply guy shit got to me. "Sorry no one taught you basic fucking manners, here's a block, as a treat MFer"
Funnily enough, I (half a German and half a Bohunk) got called out on here for "anti German bigotry" by a non German because I called Alito's Nazi ass wife a Nazi. Thankfully I grew up riding the CTA so I can heckle. You can't win with these people, you just gotta bully 'em.
The Dutch are similarly thinskinned but huge fans of throwing what they aren't capable of receiving. I think we'd class her as a Dominionist but if the Lebensborn wimple fits...
I couldn't have managed paying much mind the past few weeks where the vast amount of Tankies and other credulous twats in the Euro left pretend the problem of the rising far right is a French problem and there's nothing that can be done in their own countries, where it's been mainstream for decades.
I probably would get blocked there for posting this but it's true tho.
Thats the thing! The little prick wouldn't block me. He just KEPT. TALKING.