Frozen Cusser (Andrew)

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Frozen Cusser (Andrew)

Very Cold. Full of Fucks.

#heyscoops Wikipedian 🍨🍦Daring to combine my two xitter (GreetingsADM, FrozenCusser) accounts into one blooski. Middle of the day, middle of America. USA 🏉 rugby: ScorigamiMLR. CITY SC ⚽.
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
TIRED: No man is above the law WIRED: No: man is above the law
Avatar Does this idea have any validity in your opinion: the American Presidency is a shadow parliamentary system: you're not voting for the person at the top of the ticket; you're voting for that person's team.
I have to really like you to not unfollow you for reposting the RFK debate commercial.
I have learned this week that I am part of the subset of humanity that can perceive “boar taint,” which is when the meat of a male pig that hasn’t been castrated is being cooked and, to some people, it smells strongly of urine.
Null Hypothesis is still important analysis and science!
Dobbs was the biggest shift in abortion policy in the United States in fifty years. But did it have any appreciable impact on abortion opinion in the general public? It may have made some Republicans less likely to support a full ban. But that's it.
Did Dobbs Have A Noticeable Impact on Abortion Opinion? Does a major change in abortion policy shift the public's view?
I saw someone theorize that media has stopped putting the words "Elon Musk" in headlines because of the public's exhaustion with him and they've started using "X Boss." "X Boss" is the perfect title for the World's Most Divorced Man™️.
I hope the person in the office had a good reason for not flushing their massive dump and I hope it wasn't leaving to take a picture.
I bought a compacting trash can just so I wouldn't have to take the trash out as often.
Welcome to the Annual Most Dad* Thing You Did In The Last Year Thread. Per tradition, I will lead off: I bought a mitre saw almost entirely because it was on sale, and now I will find the thinnest excuse to incorporate it into any home project. *You need not have kids or identify as male to Dad.
The problem with trying new things is that you don't know if you'll hate them until after you've done it the first time. Anyway, I made pizza:
I've often wondered how Kacey Musgraves didn't get as big as "tAy-Tay" and then Kacey reminded me on social media this week that 2013's "Follow Your Arrow" put her on a country music black-list because of "due to the song's positive reference to homosexuality".
In the 1990s, lots of right-wing Christian men told me presidents who lie about sex should go to jail :)
If you think about the Alito and Thomas Wives Supreme more like Pastor's wives, it makes a lot more sense.
Martha-Ann Alito allegedly harassed her anti-Trump neighbors so aggressively—including spitting at their car—that they called the cops and begged for legal intervention.
New office means the meeting room we booked was "Pooping in High School" style (no door)
This Skeet is about Harmonica players.
every true whaleman sleeps with his harpoon
Happy Glorious Twenty-Fifth of May to all who celebrate GNU Terry Pratchett, who definitely knew the correct list of priorities in any revolution
A DISCWORLD PRIMER* *or, why should I read this thing that everyone keeps going on about? Come on in, sit down, pull up a chair. If you have followup questions, feel free to ask me or, we're always happy to help. (1/a lot, idk, we'll figure this out as we go)
Bad news for all those atheists that were hedging bets by calling themselves "agnostics":
🎵London Calling🎵 has way more variety in styles on it than I would have assumed.
post a *perfect* album from the 90s that isn't nirvana, pearl jam, soundgarden, or alice in chains.
post a *perfect* album from the 90s that isn't nirvana, pearl jam, soundgarden, or alice in chains.
Build a wall between the church and cancer.
Every time I'm in a Lyft and the radio is Right Wing Nuttery, I'm thankful that it isn't an Al-Queda training video
That isn't a problem, that is an intervention.
It absolutely is a laughing matter you psychos
I'm watching 🎥Across the Spider-Verse🎥 and I realized that Jeff Koons is a nexus being. Every universe has a Jeff Koons making balloon dogs.
They say St. Louis isn't a football town but what other home stadium has RC Cola as their primary cola?
One of the people from this Frat is going to own an NFL team and say that they were "putting their nose in the wrong place"
This photo is the embodiment of “Racism is so American that when you protest it, people think you are protesting America.”
I start my trial of Apple Music today, so here's today's album.
90's TV kids know why this new sign is so funny: