
one of the things it's important to remember about Trump is how driven by spite he is he will do this - and much, much worse - for no reason other than Fuck You, Joe, How Dare You Beat Me That One Time what happens to the people affected is entirely by the point, he could not care less
Yeah, this seems worth avoiding.
this is actually a point I make a lot when people say "well he didn't do anything for the MAGA folks, why do they stick with him" he did a lot! he was a complete asshole to people they hate! they could not be happier! they don't want policy, they want cruelty
for the maga crowd, trump being primarily motivated by spite is the coolest thing about him
Rage/hate is a stronger motivator than economic self interest, mostly. We have ample historical evidence of that.
His base will reject any "win-win" scenarios even if it results in a "lose-lose" situation. They cannot morally navigate outside of zero-sum, and need to know who the losers are in order to be in the world.
Maybe. I think it's probably more complicated than that, but that's certainly part of it.