
one of the things it's important to remember about Trump is how driven by spite he is he will do this - and much, much worse - for no reason other than Fuck You, Joe, How Dare You Beat Me That One Time what happens to the people affected is entirely by the point, he could not care less
Yeah, this seems worth avoiding.
this is actually a point I make a lot when people say "well he didn't do anything for the MAGA folks, why do they stick with him" he did a lot! he was a complete asshole to people they hate! they could not be happier! they don't want policy, they want cruelty
for the maga crowd, trump being primarily motivated by spite is the coolest thing about him
When people have given up on better things for themselves, they'll settle for worse things for others
Rage/hate is a stronger motivator than economic self interest, mostly. We have ample historical evidence of that.
His base will reject any "win-win" scenarios even if it results in a "lose-lose" situation. They cannot morally navigate outside of zero-sum, and need to know who the losers are in order to be in the world.
Maybe. I think it's probably more complicated than that, but that's certainly part of it.
yeah, to paraphrase the evergreen meme, Trump's constituency wants to see leopards eating people's faces they don't care that this is basically the ONLY thing he's promised to deliver them; as long as the people they dislike are suffering, they'll be happy
They’re not smart enough to understand policy bc no one capable of any level of thought would want project 2025
I've had to come to grips with the fact that many very smart people are MAGA. People who can take diesel engines apart and put them back together, the people who plumb and wire your house, lots and lots of them. The left is entirely too complacent, dismissing MAGA as the province of stupid people.
Skills and critical thinking don’t necessarily go together
Reminds me of an interview with an elderly woman who supported him in 2016 being upset that he wasn't doing enough to hurt the people she hates, and I'm barely paraphrasing here. So many people have become so damaged that this is what actually matters to them and it's frightening.
Authoritarians are all about punishment
This is my father. He has zero interest in policy, feels he’s screwed over by “all the educated idiots” and just wants trump to hurt “those people.” It’s just nihilistic fatalism. Whatever happens to my father was going to happen anyway, and he just wants to see other people suffer, too
If he could feed everyone who ever voted against him into a mulcher, he would
100%. We actually saw this with COVID and people chose not to acknowledge it. He wants us all dead.
That one of the two major party candidates would very obviously enjoy machine gunning to death a room full of people is a bit of a problem.
for the maga crowd, trump being primarily motivated by spite is the coolest thing about him
the theory that he only ran as hard as he did because Obama cracked a joke at his expense has a lot more weight than people give credit honestly
The primary in Virginia is case in point. Bob Good is as right wing as you get. Trump is supporting his primary opponent, even though Kevin McCarthy is because Good dared to endorse Ron DeSantis for president. No policy. Just spite.
Based on what I see on social media, many of his supporters really want him to hurt those specific people in this specific way.
His whole first term was trying to dismantle everything Obama did, from ACA to over 100 environmental protections to anything and everything else he could. That was all for O ridiculing him and laughing at the idea of him being Pres. It tracks...
62% of white voters plan on voting for this POS… F’n white people, we are the worst
Why do republicans always think people suffering under the weight of predatory student loans is a good idea ?
One of the easiest ways that Trump could pick apart the Democratic coalition is to debt forgiveness. It is such an obvious path to more votes that I genuinely thought he might campaign on it.
Oh, so the President can do stuff this week? Can Biden go do some forgiving then?