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Artist, crone, witcher apprentice, wasteland philosopher. Non-binary. I had cancer and all I got was this lousy trust issue. (she/her|they/them) #Autism #ADHD #AuDHD #Chronicillness
🌈Doctor shopping saves lives
We need to teach our kids how chat-gpt works. That it does not give facts the way we expect. It is made to make language sound coherent. In order to speak as humanly as possible, it scrambles information to the point it's way off. We need to show them examples and better info sources.
Well this is grim
Reposted byAvatar Galdracori
Well this is grim
I really should learn to listen to that weird feeling I get with celebrities. Just because I have it a lot doesn't mean it means nothing. There is something I sense but don't want to listen to. They can't all be bad, can't they? Wishful thinking is so treacherous.
Almost all cis men I used to be a "fan" of ended up being disgusting predators, or supporters of predators. Why even bother at this point.
💖 Freedom for the tiddies 💖
women should be allowed to be topless wherever men are.
You know how this looks? Like the childish tantrum that it is. (Alt text: A terf artist has wrapped bands around a mannequin's head. The bands are adorned with children's beads that say words like "uterus holder", "people with vaginas", "vulva owner")
Gang i found some new cursed terf art and now you have to see it too
"You don't want to watch that series?" "No it's not for me." "You sure?" "I read about it, it's really not my thing." *Dirty talk coming from the tv* "Whoops alright you know what why don't I give it a try."
Be Gay Do Crimes (work in progress)
It fucks me up whenever people are like "Of course they got depression, or any mental illness, or an addiction, because its GENETIC". Look, I don't deny genetic components in this, but when parents are mentally ill and/or addicts, the kids have barely a chance to be different. That's all they know.
"🎶As the Witcher, brave and bold, paid in coin of gold. He'll chop and slice you, gut and dice you, eat you up whole🎶" 🐈🐈‍⬛: Why can't you feed us like a normal person?
One thing I wish people would be more aware of is the colonialism history of north asia and middle asia. There's deep dark holes in history of genocides and deportations. Nothing about what R *ssia does is new. It's rather a wonder they quieted down for some time after 1989.
Reposted byAvatar Galdracori
so great that Europe's doing this again with the diseases
🧠: Tear fingernails off to the absolute limit or let them grow long until you accidentally stab yourself all the time. There is no in-between. 😔: yes honey
Ugh. I'm doing the "Why do I feel incredibly repelled by my desk so much that I barely can enter the room & am angry at myself for being lazy?" song & dance until I finally remember that I feel that way when the desk is too cluttered. This is not an existential crisis, I just need to clean up a bit.
So in other news, adjusting the cats to a strict feeding schedule has had good results. 1. Almost no picky eating and begging anymore 2. The slightly too thin cat has normal weight now 3. The slightly overweight cat has normal weight now too 4. We barely throw out any leftover food anymore
This late night rambling might be interesting for my fellow autistic and ADHD people 😅
Idk who needs to hear this but I finally understand why people don't understand me. Too much information confuses NTs. They interpret every detail wildly wrong, instead of seeing it all as a context to understand the one main message. Solution: Only say the one main message in 1-2 sentences.
Reposted byAvatar Galdracori
based on my experience applying for jobs over the past three years, this seems about right. it's a shit show out there.
-40% of companies admit to posting fake jobs -70% of managers believe posting fake job listings boosted revenue -65% of managers believe the job ads had a positive impact on morale -77% of managers reported an uptick in productivity among workers This explains a ton plus the amount of layoffs.
Idk who needs to hear this but I finally understand why people don't understand me. Too much information confuses NTs. They interpret every detail wildly wrong, instead of seeing it all as a context to understand the one main message. Solution: Only say the one main message in 1-2 sentences.
Gosh, sometimes when I look at the cat, he looks back at me with these huge eyes that look like there's absolutely nothing behind them. No think, just 👁️w👁️
Popcorn and cleavage. Goddamnit.
The ones grieved, they don't deserve to be dark sinkholes. They don't deserve being the reason to give up. Maybe they deserve growing into beautiful little sparks that weave themselves into a better tomorrow. They can be the reason to go on. I don't want to crumble for you. I want to live for you.
CN blood I know I'm an ass but I genuinely don't understand people who choose to have a partner and children, but choose to not treat their blood phobia. Shit like this is our own responsibility. You can't just ignore it until your partner is in labour, or your child has a serious accident.
"So I have this thing for a bunch of years now but 1,5 years ago it got gradually worse." "Oh that's because of this thing that happened 6 months ago. Here's some meds you have to buy. You're welcome!" *Dirty side-eye into the camera* 🤨
Nobody: Not one soul: Absolutely no one: Me: What do raccoons taste like?
Lately I felt like something about this story I'm planning wasn't working at all. Couldn't point my finger at it for months but now I think I might have figured it out. It's something about the 2 main characters' relationship. I wonder if they are actually queerplatonic and not sexual&romantic.
"I wanna make art to pay bills" "Can I have this one rent worth thing for free?" ------ "We wish we could hire artists but we can't afford them." "Hey I love your work and I'd love to support you with free art!" *crickets* ------ WHY
You know what? They've done this bullshit with women's hair colors since forever, it's just a logical continuation to do this with themselves now. Authentic human existence must be such a mindfuck to these people.
they keep inventing new guys
Idk who needs to hear this right now but it's ok if you can't perfectly "copy" photographs. You're an artist, not a photo camera. Those were invented for a reason.
Honestly? The bard songs in Skyrim and ESO absolutely slap.
Reposted byAvatar Galdracori