Michael Gartenberg

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Michael Gartenberg


Tech Analyst & Advisor ex Apple Marketing Director, Gartner Analyst, & VC. Fan of the Oxford comma.
Look for an Apple Vision for holiday 2024. Likely no cameras on the front, no 4k, 1080p using current Sony micro LED liquid retina or some new buzzword. Plastic, polycarbonate frame. No extra straps or charger. Runs the full catalog of vison pro apps. Starting at $1,999. You heard it here first.
"One thing I know from my years as a market researcher and my time working at Apple during the Jobs era, is that the vast majority of users won't pay money for flashy new tech that doesn't add something useful to their lives" www.businessinsider.com/apple-iphone...
It’s been three days in Kiryat Gate listening to the distant thunder of rockets landing. Women, children, the infirm are being slaughtered but this time in history those who perpetrated these acts will discover Jewish blood is not free & carries a steep cost.
I’m in Kiryat Gat at the moment, spent most of the day on the mamad amidst the rockets. Quiet this morning but that just means they’re shelling Tel Aviv. New Grandsons Bris is Wed. Waiting to hear if mohel was called up.
Apple's iPhone 15 is boring. Google and Samsung Android phones are far more innovative. It’s just that simple IMHO. www.businessinsider.com/iphone-15-fe...
iOS works the Apple wants me to work. I find Android lets me work the way *I* want to work.
Using iOS 17 reminds me of an old girlfriend. Very pretty to look at but frustrating because she insisted things be done her way or not at all. As you figured, we broke up.
The Allen iPhone comes with USB C, because Apple has a commitment to lead the market in standards such as this. Please ignore the higher prices.
For the first time in more than a decade, not going to live post Apple event. It's going to be an iPhone. The best iPhone Apple has ever made. It will come in stunning colors. It's amazing & we can't wait to see what you do with it.
"Never underestimate the power of Apple marketing and the consumer," see you next week www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/n...
I used to work for Apple and watched it lose the K-12 education market to Google. Now it could lose the next generation of fans. https://www.businessinsider.com/how-apple-lost-the-k-12-education-market-to-google-2023-8
🦄 PLEASE HELP ✏️ Comment, Reply, Repost Use the tinyurl.com/edusky to interact with educators. 🧱 We build community by making sure everyone's posts get engagement. 🦋 List shuffles daily! Find someone new to reply to! #EDUsky
Threads means I now have an alternative to Twitter for a platform I will not be using. The choice is good.
it's kind of amazing that literally every basic chat program today is less functional than AIM was 20 years ago *and* spies on you
take me back
Threads deleted. That was faster than I would have thought.
The good news is we finally stopped seeing nonsense articles about how NFTs are the next big thing and everyone should invest. Unfortunately, those have been replaced with how AI is going to destroy humanity in the next 5 years, after it takes everyone's jobs.
Among the many important issues the supreme Court must deal with, I have to imagine this has to be way down on their docket. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/apple-epic-legal-battle-could-be-headed-for-the-supreme-court/1100-6515681/
Clickbait doesn't get any better than this. Let's make analysis based on rumor of what might or might not be production supply chain. My very well flop, but not because of this https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/virtual-reality/apples-hololens-like-vision-pro-headset-may-already-be-a-flop
This just in, if you take a hinge device and bend it all the way backwards in the wrong direction, it's probably going to break. No need to try this at home. https://www.gsmarena.com/google_pixel_fold_is_destroyed_by_bend_test_doesnt_like_heat_either-news-59090.php
Threads off to a SUPER bad start. It’s nothing but Boomer Clickbait Nonsense from accounts you don’t follow. This is why I stopped using Facebook. Follow me there! I’m BriannaWuSays
I think that whoever wins the cage match between two idiot billionaires gets to keep all the users on the other person's platform. Let's make the stakes interesting
I was an early IG user and just posted my food pictures there which were then cross posted to Twitter. Then came Zuck and I deleted my account (along with Facebook). So I joined threads where I will just describe what my good looks like but not lost pictures.
Sneak Peek: AI Images in Google Slides - https://www.controlaltachieve.com/2023/07/ai-images-in-google-slides.html 🖼️ Generate AI images in Slides 🎨 Style the images 💡 Ideas for classroom use #ControlAltAchieve #edtech #GoogleEDU #EduSky
It's probably as good a time as any for Zuckerberg to try and copy the features of some other services and integrate into his own. But seriously? Does the world really want a Facebook/Twitter? Talk about the possibility of giving us the worst of both worlds in one single application
I said this a year ago elsewhere, but I’ll say it again here: It's impossible to overstate how much the big tech CEOs & VCs are being radicalized within their bubble. The level of paranoia & contrived victimization is off the charts, and they increasingly only consume media that they have funded.
It's my favorite little fact about Coronado! Also there's a very odd little placard in the Hotel Del stating that he claims to have designed the crown-shaped chandeliers in the Crown Room (where Ozma was crowned in the books!) but that they've since been replaced with bigger ones lol. I feel like
Went to Oz last night (the San Diego city of Coronado, where L. Frank Baum wrote The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and a bunch of other Oz books. He patterned the Emerald City after the Hotel Del Coronado, some of which is visible in the background)