
"No it doesn't", says all known medical science, and pretty much everyone who has to deal with health issues, physical and mental, on a regular basis
I broke my leg but after a few deep breaths I was fine
I had pneumonia but after a few deep breaths with a nebuliser, I could just about breathe again
People who tell anxious/panicky people to be more aware of their breathing, when they're already worried they're dying/about to pass out...
Well... tidal breathing only isn't great
... or indeed, hyperventilating. But opposed to NOT breathing?
Well, apparently this guy can talk out his ass, so…
I'd love to know how it'll make my legs grow back
I don't know who that is but someone with a Star Wars villain name should not be giving advice.
Breeving properly grew my brain back after a pick-axe axident.
I think you’ll find that having a “Live Laugh Love” plaque and a little sign saying “Somewhere it’s gin o’ clock!!!” have the same efficacy.
Yeah, well, I bet your so-called science says that you shouldn't try to give yourself an enema using a public fountain's water jet, not knowing it been upgraded to a much stronger version and nearly kill yourself in the stupidest way possible. Seriously, Google "wim hof fountain".
"just" --- ah, that four letter word.
I've been breathing my entire life. I'm practically an expert breather. Hasn't done a gd thing for my autism and depression though.
My therapist: Have you tried breathing before? Me holding my breath for 3+ decades, belligerently shaking my head
Lmao breathing properly. People on oxygen tanks and asthma are fucked then, I guess.
Yeah, but it's not like we (asthmatics) didn't already know that. I mean, my body picked things to be bad at and it chose breathing (among other absurdities). Pretty much doomed from the start.
My bad if I offended. Just meant that breathing "properly" is bad advice for mental and physical health, and while it may help meditation and quiet moments, it's not applicable or demonstrably impactful in times of crisis or shit like chronic illnesses. I somehow am in good physical health...
But my psyche is a Jenga puzzle in a hurricane with pieces missing. Lol breathing in any way never helped with panic attacks or hyper aggression, mood swings, psychosis, or the myriad symptoms I deal with daily. Lol Srsly sucks about the asthma tho, sorry you have to deal with that.
(also my coping mechanism for my bullshit body and brain is to openly mock it. I forgot that doesn't translate as well over text. My body chose violence, and I chose sarcasm and dark humor. Sorry if my response is super disjointed, my brain is all over the place today)
I'm trying again because I decided to reread now that my brain is capable of reading comprehension and like not doing brain zoomies. I'm not offended. Just enjoying the absurdity of healthy people insisting one thing has worked for a minor problem, so it works for everything and everyone.
Ah fuck, wait, you did write that in succession. I now understand. I thought it was the other way. Yoooo, I'm too stoned for this.
Pfft, you're good. I just reflected a bit and realized some stuff I say can be thoughtless. So I like to be cautious, I apologiZe way too much tho too. Lol not that I don't mean it, I do work at doing better, but it's a defense mechanism. Yay abuse. Lol anyways, yeah my brain is a cunt.
Also, I laughed, so no worries. I figure you were being humorous, but I sometimes assume wrong and fuck up big time. Also also, as a tip, replying to your first skeet helps more. Otherwise looking at the thread it can confuse people like me. Lmao I learned the hard way about that.
The lungless salamander must be fuming, and it doesn’t even have anything to fume with.
that statement is wild hyperbole but FWIW the only advice I still use from my first therapist is to inhale through the nose and exhale for 150% of that time through mouth. it does help me at least to relax a little physically and mentally when anxious. it's not a panacea ofc but it does Something
As I've said, the original claim is that breathing can cure all physical and mental health problems. My stance is that this is wrong. If you can point to where I said it does nothing at all, I will happily retract it
I'm just agreeing the headline is inaccurate despite deep breathing working for me, I am not arguing with you
Then I apologise. Currently dealing with someone who thinks I'm 'just as bad' for posting this, but that's on a different platform and you got caught in the crossfire. My bad.
I spent most of my 1st 25-30 yrs not able to breathe through my nose. And while it does help now (that I'm on like 3 allergy meds a day), it was quite comical then... A therapist suggested breathing exercises (I'm also asthmatic), & I don't think she thought me any saner at the end of that day lol
I've actually walked out of different therapies who spent 40 minutes trying to tell and show me how to breath properly. 😠
The irony here being that we would all benefit greatly from denying him, and his ilk, the oxygen of publicity. (not you, Gloucester Live, or whoever)
I dunno, breathing properly probably does correlate with some of these outcomes. Again, probably some nuance lost in the headline, I don't know if he's saying "breathing properly is *all* you need". But I find that diary of a CEO podcast incredibly annoying so I'm not going to find out 😅
Also I should point out that Wim Hof breathing is not necessarily "breathing properly" - entirely possible to me that just avoiding mouth breathing could be enough
"Just calm down" YOU THINK I *WANT* TO HAVE A PANIC ATTACK???? I hate all the stigma around mental health, it's a not very well understood topic for most of the public so not many people know what they're taking about