
For Disability Pride Month, one thing I'd love abled bodied people to figure out is how to speak to someone with chronic health issues without implying that if they themselves had the disabled person's health conditions, they would end it all. I promise you life goes on- even with health issues.
Reading this post was one of those "JFC, people say WHAT?!" moments for me. 🫂
it's usually something along the lines of "you're so brave, I would never be able to do what you are doing, I couldn't live that way, I wouldn't be able to carry on" etc they think it's okay though because it's usually front-loaded with a "compliment" about being brave
Venn diagram of these people and those thinking "Me Before You" was a heartwarming pro-disabled film: a perfect circle.
That movie destroys me. People that think it's heartwarming make me livid :') Like. Can we have a single movie with a quadriplegic that doesn't end in "AND THEN THEY DIE AND EVERYONE CLAPS!" Or anime's that they get magicured ._.
I did not make friends at book club when we read that book. Oh well. Then a year later, I got a spinal injury. Not nearly the extent as in the book, but I was glad I didn't internalize any of that crap.
Yeahhh this kinda shit is horrible for internalization and just. Feeling kinda shitty about things :c We deserve better representation >//< 💜