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Venomous, egg-laying, duck-billed, beaver-tailed, otter-footed mammal. Wait, that's a platypus. Fan of compound adjectives. Leighbra on the bird app.
The suicide-loss grief storylines of The Bear is the only representation that is 100% relatable to me in that "I'm back in it again" way. Not just because it's his big brother, who was universally loved & had a big personality. It's never soapy, it's always quietly present while life marches along.
"Why don't they just throw up in the toilet!?" Because Mom's tired of cleaning barf off the carpet &/or changing sheets AGAIN at 3am? Because kids don't always have enough warning to make it to the toilet & I'm not making them sleep in the bathroom? The debate is bowl vs bucket, stay on topic.
super loving that all the tank tops at Old Navy are crop length this year... Every 13 years I emerge from the earth & head to the mall to replace my Old Navy tank tops, yet they do not cater exactly to my tastes? Like, WTF?
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It's almost Ben's 9th bday & the 1year anniversary of his gotcha day! Therefore, through Monday, it's... Ben's Birthday Sale!!! Book 1, AN UNCOMMON CURSE, only $.99 Book 2, AN UNCERTAIN MURDER, only $1.99 Fantasy novels about fairytales & musicals!
Whelp, it happened. I sweated my tits off. 😞
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From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine.
This exact scenario, but The Tudors Turns out you won't die of embarrassment, you'll just feel like you wanna
I went to the dentist & she had a screen above chair w/Netflix, which suggested Bridgerton & I thought why not check it out and WHY DID NONE OF YOU WARN ME THAT THERE WOULD BE A TEN MINUTE LONG STEAMY & DETAILED SEX SCENE RIGHT AT THE TOP THAT I WOULD HAVE TO WATCH WHILE SHE DRILLED MY TEETH
Holy smokes, this is so good!
french knots on the prowl
I don't miss a lot about the town we are from, but they do the 4th so nice. Families bring their fireworks to the high school, volunteer fire dept brings a water truck, everybody sets their fireworks off on the football field. People hang out in the park, watch fireworks & visit. Wrapped by 10:30.
Apparently I will instantly block joke accounts that keyword search to correct your grammar. I don't miss that shit from old Twitter & I'm not going to post worrying some dork is going to correct me about the difference between a podium & a lectern.
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July 4th is very rough on my dog (he is a royalist and considers George Washington a traitor)
My shitty neighbors (if you've followed me since Twitter, the ones we heard tell a 5yo he was going to beat him with a wrench) have a very large pitbull who rushes to our short fence, aggressively barking & snarling every time I'm in the yard, which I'm avoiding now because I can't handle the dog.
Finally just sent in my complaint. ALSO, the chickens we got from Tractor Supply, one of their "breeds," were the weirdest, shortest lived chickens we've ever had. Not 1 hen looked the same as their sisters & 3/4ths didn't even live 18 months. Garbage breeding.
"“I was appalled by the decision,” John Boyd Jr., president and founder of the National Black Farmers Association, said in an interview. “I see this as rolling back the clock with race relations — because the country is so divided on race, especially in rural America.”"
Black farmers' association calls for Tractor Supply CEO's resignation after company cuts DEI The National Black Farmers Association is calling on Tractor Supply’s president and CEO to step down, days after the rural retailer announced that it would drop most of its corporate diversity and cli...
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"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
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yup. I wrote about it years ago when very few people were talking about it. it has always been about a racist power grab.
And remember, the Christian Right only took up abortion as a topic after they lost school segregation for good when the IRS went after Bob Jones’ U status, & needed a new issue to rally the troops. 1/x all our issues are intertwined. 🧵
The little-known racist origins of the 'pro-life' abortion movement — Wagatwe How white supremacy and the American “pro-life” political movement are inherently intertwined.
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For Disability Pride Month I’m once again begging for more artists to start considering accessibility and add alt text to your images. It helps low/no vision folks, neurodivergent folks, and more. Plus alt text shows up in searches! There’s a toggle in settings so you won’t forget. 👇
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Man outside a cafe in Bath, having breakfast. Gets up to shoo seagulls away. Leaves his table for just the half-second required for another seagull to steal his croissant. Man chases the croissant thief; another seagull steals his toast. Raucous laughter from all the gulls.
Over the weekend, I found a tiny pink plastic shoe on the ground near my office. I placed it at eye level, on a wooden post, by the stairs. This morning, on that same post, was this picture.
The #fullmoonkittens already are not enjoying the fireworks, does anybody have suggestions for calming tricks/supplements for cats? Cat tax with bonus backyard chicken as payment upfront for help!
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Im a hooman dancer lol
I don't know, guys. Might be a day for posting flowers and dogs.
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Such sweetness
Some wizard mice and various mouse studies. I love making pages of studies. Do we add hashtags here? So many social media platforms I can’t keep track. #kidlit
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Shark and ray 🦈
Yesterday we had cops at the house. A guy was on tooooo many drugs & got into our backyard but couldn't figure out how to get apparently, so he started kicking down fence panels. My neighbors saw it & called it in. Turns out he'd also exposed himself to their 8yo last year.
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If you’re not going to touch your grass Bunjamin will eat it 🐰🖤
Did 2 grown adults go thrifting or did we give an 11yo boy $7 at tell him to purchase the 5 items of his dreams? #ErynThrifts
Avatar Are you still in contact with "SocialJerk" by any chance?
Super glad the debate kicked off Giant Flags on Trucks season in Hickville, USA.
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Trump is a convicted felon who stole classified documents and tried to do a coup and the NYT never called on him to drop out. Ridiculous