Joseph Hewitt

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Joseph Hewitt

Cartoonist, programmer, English professor, Newfoundlander living in Korea. Hamster herder. Creator of GearHead. Lead penguin of Polar Bear Comix. He/him. Old.

Commissions open:
And now I can watch movies in Godot with a stock photo TV and a CRT shader applied to the video. Wild.
GearHead Caramel is 50% off for the Summer Sale. Tell your friends! Tell your enemies! Then while they're playing the game, blast their mecha with a breaker cannon. #GameDev #IndieGames
Moopsy was in a really cuddly mood tonight. Came out of the cage twice, pancaked and chittered while I told her she was a good little creature.
You can see from this guy what bad shape the fish were in- it had black marks across both sides (bruises?) and lost most of its tail. It spent a few days resting near the bottom of the tank, but now is very active and a strong swimmer.
I've had the rescue goldfish for a week now. Six of the twelve have died; all the survivors appear to be in either good condition or are visibly improving. On Monday, the temporary tank I was keeping them in sprang a leak. Last night, the canister filter in their new tank stopped working.
The Inside Out characters in my head.
The Inside Out characters in my head (there is just one):
Working on a cute scene for Jessica and Kurt because they didn't really get one together yet, in which Kurt talks about why he became an orthopedic surgeon and the two of them talk about working out, then Jessica info dumps about teeth until unintentionally saying something completely inappropriate.
Seconded. Coin cells can power multiple LEDs for a nice long time. I don't have as much skill or experience as Chris, but the fact that they work very well for me despite my shocking ineptitude is definitely evidence of something. The coin cell is under the hood.
These guys have a lot of loose change, as shown on the lower right base. #Nerdlings #FindFolkFriday
Maybe Kenshiro is Superman's descendant?!
Obviously we don't have 4th of July fireworks in Korea, but I wanted to mention this weird animal thing. Moopsy, my hamster, has no fear of thunder. Possibly she can't even hear it bc hamsters can't hear low frequencies. OTOH my plecos, Dora and Donut, freak out every time there's a thunderstorm.
Thanks for hosting #TurnBasedThursday! GearHead Caramel is a tactics style mecha RPG which is now 23% off for the #SteamSummerSale. You can import your character from the previous GearHead Arena and continue your adventures after the Typhon Incident. #GameDev
You're right. I wish I had taken the picture of Gilius from a bit lower because he is wearing a thong under there.
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
Fantastic designs. You know, one time a gelatinous cube almost killed me IRL...
GearHead Caramel is currently 50% off at for the Summer Sale! That's as much as five tens, and that's terrific! #GameDev #GameSale #Roguelikes
I will say that there is room for all kinds of tastes and preferences in this world but Escaflowne got robbed.
At the hagwon, the fish lived in two tiny plastic travel aquariums like this. They seemed nervous when I moved them back into the plastic aquariums while filling up the new one.
Update on the rescued goldfish. Last night we discovered that the old guppy tank had a leak in it; we woke up this morning to water all over the living room floor. Fortunately, not enough water came out to harm the fish. Also fortunately I ordered a new, bigger tank on Sunday and it arrived today.
Technically Alpharius could have been on the chart twice.
Hamsters are attracted to alcohol, but process it so efficiently they don't normally get drunk. When Moopsy was little she didn't want me to clean her cage so I lured her out of her burrow with a teaspoon of rum. She's still a bit surly, but more cooperative (and bigger) now.
Araknea emerges from the webway to snipe an unsuspecting target. You could say that this Necron is more than meets the eye. #Nerdlings
This weekend I got hired to teach a science class and ended up coming home with a bunch of goldfish from the science classroom. They will be getting a properly sized tank tomorrow but for now they are in the old guppy tank. You can see Dora in the back sizing up her new neighbors (not snacks, Dora).
Will draw boobies for zoats. Hell, I'll draw boobies for Astropath Yerl.
On sale at GS today. Bad brand name or best brand name?
I noticed a while back that Googles results for "Is X safe for hamsters to eat?" had gotten increasingly erratic and bizarre.
Disney plays the long game.