Gene Ha

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Gene Ha

Chicago comic geek, for sketch commissions write me at [email protected]
Anyone friends with a historian who specializes in Black US history? Writing a short story segment that touches on this and I want to be sure I get both the facts and the tone right.
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Reposted byAvatar Gene Ha
People have added context in the thread, the claim she's making about people being "paid" to do "techlash" is because she is paid to promote AI with exactly the bullshit you think. Griiiiiifters gonna grift.
Reposted byAvatar Gene Ha
This is like how the term "luddite" was twisted to mean being stupidly anti tech progress and that's not actually what the issue was at all.
Reposted byAvatar Gene Ha
I find it very unlikely that there is more money in "techlash" than there is the billions and billions being put into trying to force shitty and unethical tech down our throats. The industry wastes money and resources all the time. That's well documented.
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I'm side-eyeing this term "techlash" because it sounds like someone trying to avoid talking about the very real ethics issues in tech as well as greed & outsized power. Such as the entire AI problem. Or the racism built into many platforms. Or people like Musk influencing governments.
While I appreciate this may be *a* reason I think the reason people hate tech right now is that basically every major platform has fallen into ruin in lockstep with the highest corporate profits in history, and when asked, companies like Meta say "yeah it'll get shittier too"
Reposted byAvatar Gene Ha
lol not the 'being anti-AI is ableist' line. over here in reality, incredible art is made daily by disabled people, and claiming 'being anti-AI is ableist' is actually some of the most ableist shit i've ever heard because you're claiming what they do is not as good as your soulless piece of software
More from the other side, so people know where she really stands
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On Tuesday, July 16, ,, and I talk comics at the #BerwynPublicLibrary from 6pm - 7pm. You have questions about making comics and the creative process? Stop in and be a part of the discussion!
Maybe there are better movies, but I love these and consider each one so perfect that if they were more perfect they wouldn't be quite as good. Side note, can't wait to share some of the art I've been doing for!
You'll never forget these inspiring movie picks from #EternalSunshine #TheApartment #TimeBandits #TheMalteseFalcon
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Hmm but it would be singlelings, which sounds like a dating app
Rando thought. "AI" writing is a computer trying to say exactly what humans have already said. Great writers say what we're NOT talking about, yet.
Y’know the Trump lawyers’ court claim that Trump can’t be criminally charged if he’d ordered Seal Team 6 to assassinate political opponents? Justice Sotomayor’s dissent warns the July 1 decision lets presidents do exactly that. Analysis from YouTuber & lawyer LegalEagle:
#Finished Independence Day week drawing! This was the one at-show #sketch commission at #HeroesCon Charlotte NC that I couldn’t finish there. #CaptainAmerica #Cap #Mjolnir #ICanDoThisAllDay
Independence Day week art post. #WIP Work In Progress. I had an at-show #sketch commission at #HeroesCon Charlotte NC that I was unhappy with. Fortunately the sketch patron let me finish it at home. #CaptainAmerica #Cap #Mjolnir #ICanDoThisAllDay More updates later today.
F*** the Supreme Court. Yesterday they placed the President beyond the reach of the law. Vote for candidates ready to fix what they broke. Donate. Volunteer. Honestly, it will take decades. Links from my longer FB post:
My thoughts on last night's debate, longform past BSky's 300 character limit. TLDR: Biden needed to show focus & energy, and failed. Trump: "I did not sleep with a porn star." If you want swing voters to believe you, don't lie about the stuff they already know. Repeatedly. Links in comments.
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Again, as my man Hamm said:
Tues July 16 at #BerwynLibraryIL, AMA Ask Me Anything about comics. Better yet, Ask US Anything! W aka Justin Castaneda and @TrevorMueller. Signup link: Tuesday, July 16, 2024 6-7 pm Let's Talk Comics! In-Person
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I’ve been massively let down on a major project and I now have a large hole in my schedule (and finances) from July onwards. Anyone needs a letterer with 20+ years skill + experience, please get in contact. Currently working for DC, 2000AD, Boom, Dark Horse. Reposts very much appreciated!
IYKYK “I love my husband, Hal Jordan, but I find this annoying Canadian weirdly irresistible…” Remarque on a #Deadpool print at #HeroesCon Charlotte. #BlakeLively
Some of the #FreeSketckesForKids I’ve done at #HeroesCon Charlotte. What an amazing comics & art focused show.
Mark it down! Saturday, June 15, 2024 at #HeroesCon Charlotte NC. I created the dumbest #Batman joke of all time. You’re welcome!
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Fleetwood Mac 10 Enya Rism 1,000,000 Maniacs Alan Parsons Projectile
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Make a band less mild The Guess Who or Die
Make a band less mild Interrobang and the Mysterions
My piece for the charity auction at Heroes Aren't Hard To Find aka #HeroesCon Charlotte NC on Saturday! #SpiderGwen aka Ghost-Spider.
Finished! #Batgirl of Burnside pre-show #sketch commission for #HeroesCon! Find me at Table AA-1417 this weekend. I’ll be doing a few sketch commissions at the show. Write me at [email protected] for details. You can see the colors from the Xmas bulb post in Batgirl's jacket!
#WIP Work In Progress #Batgirl of Burnside pre-show #sketch commission for #HeroesCon Charlotte NC! Find me at Table AA-1417 this weekend. The Burnside costume is my favorite superhero costume update of the 2010s. I based the face on a photo of my model for #Toybox for #TopTen #Top10.
The intensely yellow light creates a lavender highlight on this deep purple Xmas bulb. For a Batgirl of Burnside Copic sketch. I keep a box of various colors of Xmas bulbs in my studio. For unusual light colors you can just Google the color on your smartphone and use that as a light.
Find me at Table AA-1417 at #HeroesCon Charlotte NC next weekend! Apocalypse painting sketch commission for pickup at the show. After studying #WaltSimonson decided original design had a LOT of Iron Man design language. #XFactor #Xmen #Apocalypse #sketch #HeroesCon #Cyclops Next, color!!!!
Reposted byAvatar Gene Ha
Exactly. Superhero comics are about feats not feet.