Nat Gertler

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Nat Gertler

Eisner-winning Peanuts nerd. Writer, publisher (About Comics), founder of 24 Hour Comics Day, sperm donor (retired). "Is he the guy who did that thing?" Yeah, prob'ly.
Make a band meatier Captain Beefierheart
Make a band meatier Spam, Spam, Hall, Oates and Spam
Today's cartoon book to scan and reprint had this back cover. Yes, for 3 cents you could mail this 96 page booklet to any of the 48 states in 1954.
Folks should both listen to what Rex says and take the lesson that when writing in all caps, your initialisms should have periods in them... doubly so if you're using a non-standard letter order as this does.
Rex Morgan MD says to leave trans kids alone, you absolute freaks.
Make a band more vegetable Zucchini Bread. (I'm sure I'm far too late to be introducing Talking Heads of Lettuce or Artichoke Heart.)
Make a band more vegetable Soft Celery
Make a band more vegetable Pectin Machine
Make a band more vegetable Smashing More Pumpkins
Watching the original Ghostbusters with my 14 year old. Not a perfect film, but culturally necessary. Yesterday we watched Deadpool. Before that, Blazing Saddles. Sharing these things is how we connect, and how I give him cultural language.
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Whatever “Trained vice animals” are, they’re welcome on the bus.
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1/Just a reminder that the Bible is full of trans people. The Hebrew term saris (סָרִיס) is mostly translated into English as eunuch, but in Hebrew is often depicted as a person who was born male but later in life appears female. And the saris is respected. Isaiah 56:4-5 has a blessing for the saris.
A line from the Simpsons that describes your sex life: "The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems."
A line from the Simpsons that describes your sex life: *holding up a cylindrical object* "I just think they're neat"
Reposted byAvatar Nat Gertler
The 2024 US Comic Workers Survey is out! Please contribute if this applies to you, the data helps us all get a better idea of pay in the industry:
Ah, transitional forms! I don't think I've ever run into 'teen age with the apostrophe before, but looking around at 1935, 'teen age and 'teen ager are fairly common... not as common as teen age and teen-age, but teenage does not yet exist.
Instrumental Music Recommended as Aid for 'Teen Clipping found in St. Cloud Times published in Saint Cloud, Minnesota on 3/13/1935. Instrumental Music Recommended as Aid for 'Teen Age
Picked an eerily-right audiobook to listen to on a road trip from Camarillo to Santa Rosa this week. Written in 1993, the opening scenes are set in July 2024. The Pasadena-based Butler had her travelers go on the 118, the 23, the 101, which I drove this trip. Her crew left Salinas just as I arrived.
Before the Internet, how did those in need ever find two dozen felt Dudley Do-Right heads?
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Artists! Will you be at San Diego Comic-Con this month? Are you willing to put in a shift at the Cartoon Art Museum's booth drawing commissions as part of our annual sketch-a-thon fundraising event? Please let me know!
I tabled at an Atlantic City con decades ago where the question I got most often was "is Jim Lee here?" (No, the promoter failed to send him an airplane ticket.) I made a Jim Lee name sign. When asked if I was really him, I'd introduce the white guys to either side as my brothers Stan and Spike.
Avatar Just wanted to thank you for giving the "Moonlighting did not crumble because they got Maddie and David together" talk on a recent PCHH. I've given that talk many times, and I'm glad that I'm not the only one.
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"Times were mixed." - Chuck Dickens
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
This 1945 ad is the future that liberals are seeking to avert.
I spent the evening shouting questions at the TV. Wisely, I was watching the recent Jeopardy Masters, so they were not words of anger. Most of them were actually correct.
All of life can be seen as an endless struggle between Bob the Builder and Drax the Destroyer.
A bad page is better than a blank page because a bad page can be fixed.
if u see this, quote-post with your tips for writers that no one gives anymore because they seem obvious (even though they're not)
My daughter crafted up a version of the player podium from the game show #gamechanger and now her dolls are competing!
For the first time, About Comics is trying to obtain a license not for content, but simply for branding. I feel so business!
Reposted byAvatar Nat Gertler
Here's lovely little chestnut of info for you. Read lots more Better Letterer infographics at
All month it's bothered me that I have nothing to promote for Pride. Oh, I've published work by LGBT creators (at least 3 of the 4 letters), but no whole book l thematically in that space. Then today I stumbled across some obscure 1950s syndicated comics that just might qualify. See you next year!
Reposted byAvatar Nat Gertler
I know this isn't the traditional way to go about things, but if any agents who rep kids' graphic novels happen to see this and want to hit me up, it'd sure save me a crapload of time. No worries if not!
Arguify Refuterol Pilpul pills
What drugs make you good at debates? No, not the ones that make you think you're good at debates