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Recovering doomscroller
my general rule of thumb: it's okay to disagree with me but if your first interaction with me is hostile, I am going to be an asshole right back. ASK FIRST and you'll get further than insulting me and my intelligence
Suggestion for folks asking for mutual aid support (based on years of experience): There's no need to say you're embarrassed or ashamed or hate to have to ask. That's exactly how capitalism wants you to feel. And it wants you to reinforce the idea that asking for help is shameful.
Did you know you can just block fringe weirdos who have no structural or societal power? You don't have to get mad or depressed about the things they say. You don't have to develop a worldview in response to their weird shit, which will inevitably turn you into one of them, a sad sack staring into--
“Not a single phone in Gaza can be reached right now. Israel completely cut off all communications to Gaza. No internet, no landlines. This is a total blackout. Every person you know from Gaza has completely lost contact with their loved ones. We know what comes next.” - Hanna Alshaikh
"Israel's minister of communications has said that Israel will "use all means to fight" the restoration of communications services in Gaza, Al Araby reported." They explicitly say they caused communications blackout in Gaza, but Western journalists equivocate with passive voice to exonerate them..
Israel-Palestine live: Over 7,700 killed as Gaza turns into 'hell on earth' Israel releases footage of tanks in Gaza as communication remains cut off in the besieged enclave
Ask yourself: does every random person with a bad take or even a *nuclear* take deserve the Main Character treatment? Are you actually contributing to something like justice? Is your momentary catharsis worth punishing an individual way more than is justified? At some point, the point's been made.
End of feed.